duke nukem

  1. R

    Windows 7 BSOD when starting certain games. Help appreciated!

    I have tried several different things to fix this issue. I completely checked my ram with a ram checking program. I have never really had a problem with my computer except for at certain times. Whenever I try to play Darkness II, Duke Nukem Forever, or COD MW3, the wonderful BSOD pops up. All of...
  2. Windows 7 Duke Nukem 3D on windows 7

    I've been having a blast revisiting this game. I bought the game from GOG.com and upgraded it with EDuke32 • Duke3D for Windows, Linux and OS X . Than I installed the high resolution pack Duke Nukem 3D, Duke Nukem Forever and Duke plus from fissile materials Fissile Materials and some of...
  3. Windows 8 Games that work.

    For the last day or so I've been testing games. So far these work. Steam Games :- Bioshock 1 & 2 COD Black Ops COD Modern Warfare 1 & 2 Clive Barker's Jericho Company of Heroes series Far Cry 2 (Has Issues at times going FS) Ghostbusters : The video Game GRID Homefront Half Life 2 Series...
  4. Windows 7 Duke Nukem 3D Atomic

    Hi. If you've played Duke Nukem 3D Atomic then I'm hoping you'll be able to answer a question for me. Is the keyboard configuration for action's like walking changable or is it fixed? For example, can I change from using the arrow keys to go forward and back to pressing the A key to go forward...
  5. Windows 7 Interview with Gearbox co-founder Brian Martel about Duke Nukem Forever

    Well, it's been almost 13 years since we have last seen Duke Nukem but he is finally hitting store shelves on May 3rd. I have a chat with Gearbox co-founder Brian Martel about what took so long, the technology behind the game and what we have to look forward to. Link Removed Link Removed
  6. VIDEO Duke Nukem is back.....?

    It's taken 13 years, tens of millions of dollars, and a couple lawsuits, but the videogame that created the Vaporware Award is finally, officially on its way. Publisher 2K Games and developer Gearbox Software announced this afternoon at the Penny Arcade Expo in Seattle that the Chinese Democracy...
  7. Windows 7 X-COM returns....

    I noticed a few days ago that Take2k are working on a FPS remake of X-COM series thats apparently going to have the strategy elements too.. (I'm thinking Fallout 3 style pause n select combat maybe :cool:). For anyone that doen't know the series, Microprose's X-COM was originally a series of...
  8. Dukes making headlines again..

    George Broussard, the president of 3D Realms, has set up his Formspring account to let fans grill him on any number of topics. There are also a number of questions concerning the Duke Nukem franchise although when ask if we will ever get to see Duke Nukem Forever, Broussard states, 'Magic 8-Ball...
  9. Windows 7 Duke Nukem fan based trailer

    Well, movies take "4ever" to make What has probably been one of the longest running jokes in the industry has now been revived as a fan-made trailer, looking to become a movie. Yes, we’re talking about the Duke Nukem saga, which can easily be called a saga in real life as well, what with all...
  10. Windows 7 Duke Nukem is on Facebook

    Link Removed - Invalid URL The above image is newly relased from the facebook account so it might be all under way again... I certainly wouldn't hold your breath though... Find Duke on FaceBook here: Duke Nukem | Facebook
  11. Windows 7 Duke Nukem Manhattan Project

    Hi all, As you can tell by my post title, Im a big Duke fan. I installed DNMP on my computer today and went to play it. I used the settings: OpenGL, 16-bit color, fullscreen and 1024x768 screen res. When the game loads into the menu, the frame rate goes down to about 10-15 fps. Then when the...
  12. Windows 7 Duke Nukem?

    Has anyone tryed to get the Dukester going on 7?:D