
  1. R

    Windows 10 Base Filtering Engine issues... Windows 10 Professional, fully updated 21H2

    About 2 weeks ago, I noticed that the slider switch on my Emsisoft AntiMalware home security, which activates/deactivates the Windows Defender firewall, was in the 'off' position. Thinking it strange, I set it to 'on'. More strange though, as 10 seconds later, it reset itself to 'off'. Further...
  2. Tippe

    What System Security Do You Use On Your Windows/Mac/Linux?

    Hello Everyone. My security goes like this: Bitdefender Total Security+Voodoo-Shield+Simple Windows Hardening. Second opinion malware scanners: Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool+Norton Power Eraser+Emsisoft Emergency Kit+Malwarebytes Free+HitmanPro(paid) & Eset Online Scanner. How do you secure your...
  3. holdum333

    Discussion on BadBlock Ransomware and Emsisoft Decryptor Release

    Hi I'm not a expert on these things, but I found this while searching. Don't know if it's any good, but thought I would post it here and get thoughts;) of the members here! Move delete or what ever is appropriate. BadBlock encrypts System Files. Decryptor Released by Emsisoft
  4. RichM

    "New Product Antivirus & Malware Considerations: from some Windows Forums Pros!"

    Recently Bigbearjedi and I began a conversation in another thread about our beliefs on how ordinary users can stay protected in today's very difficult climate of ransomware and encryption laced infections so lets share our beliefs as we both have active businesses and tell everyone how we...
  5. julio99

    Windows 7 Bandwidth keeps running after site shutdown

    I watch videos on a site and when I finish watching the bandwidth in DU Meter keeps running at 400-500 KB's/s. It would appear that it's like the videos are still running but they are not because the site and anything to do with it is shutdown. Not even a browser is running. Task manager tells...
  6. X

    Windows 7 Suspicious nb.exe Process Found - Possible Trojan Infection Inquiry

    Hi all. today I noticed a weird process named nb.exe running on my pc. I went to msconfig and it was there on startup. It is located a folder that does not exist c:\OK\BOT\nb.exe So I am running emsisoft antimalware an it picket the file an called it a Trojan.Generic.7979063 (B) has anyone had...
  7. F

    Windows 7 Windows Action Center and Emsisoft Anti-Malware

    I am constantly plagued with a notification that reports (the red X in the notification sidebar appears) that my Emsisoft Anti-Malware (EAM) program is not running--but it is. I have constantly posted information pertaining to this problem in Emsisoft Support forum. The administrators there say...