error analysis

  1. 7

    Windows 10 Various BSOD's

    Hello, I've had various BSOD's taking place. I upgraded from W7x64 and it seems the most recent BSOD's are the Unexpected Stop Exception error. I can't recall the other one I previously got. Initially I had a yellow exclamation in device manager, so i removed that, but then got another BSOD...
  2. Ron4000

    Windows 10 The bugcheck was: 0x00000124

    I am seeing the following in the event viewer after a random crash..... The computer has rebooted from a bugcheck. The bugcheck was: 0x00000124 (0x0000000000000000, 0xffffe0017acd4028, 0x00000000bf800000, 0x0000000000000124). A dump was saved in: C:\Windows\MEMORY.DMP. Report Id...
  3. S

    Windows 8 W8.1 Kernel Data Inpage Error

    Hello! On Sept 2015 I upgraded my 2-years-old Samsung laptop to W10, but after some issues (including BSoD), I downgraded to W8.1, thinking that would solve the problems. Since then, a KERNEL_DATA_INPAGE_ERROR BSoD appears even several times a day (specially today). I saw the .dmp files using...
  4. Jayden665

    Windows 7 Random yet persistent BSODs along with display crashes.

    Hi, I used to get bluescreens that moslty had the error message DATA_INPAGE_ERROR, which I found out was due to my HDD, which was very old and slow. So I replaced that and don't get that error any more, but still blue screen that doesn't really have an error message. I'm decent with computers...
  5. A

    Windows 7 BSOD Only Occurs While Playing Path of Exile: Driver Issues and Minidump Analysis

    Hello, my computer only BSOD when I play Path of Exile. It's fine when it plays any other game or any other task, but only when playing this specific game do I have issues. Before it was an issue of my display driver constantly stop responding while playing the game, and now it became a BSOD...
  6. C

    Windows 7 Code Integrity determined that the page hashes of an image file are not valid

    I have been logging a security audit error since Sep 2015, on my desktop Asus P9X79-E-WS (Xeon E5-1650 v2) running Windows 7 Ultimate (x64) Service Pack 1 (build 7601). Only recently - one week maybe - I have been experiencing my mouse hesitating and a beep when the mouse stops momentarily...
  7. T

    Windows 7 BSOD BCCode 0x124 please help!

    Hello. I've had these BSOD's for weeks, where i would crash after playing games, screen goes black with stuttering sound and then i get Hyper Transport Sync Flood error. WhoCrashed shows BCCode 124, and bluescreen viewer thatntskrnl.exe is the culprit. I'm not overclocking since I'm not into...
  8. D

    Windows 7 BSOD X64_0x124_GenuineIntel_PCIEXPRESS

    Hey, hopefully someone here will be able to help me out. I bought a new GPU, a GTX 980 and after 3 days I got my first BSOD. A few days later I got another BSOD in WoW while playing only for a few minutes. After that every game I started first after I booted up my PC, would completely freeze...
  9. brkkab

    Windows 10 need this minidump checked

    Just had my 1st bsod in over 2 years. Happened after I restarted Windows 10 Pro x64 after getting a update from the store for the Xbox app. Only other new software on pc is Bitdefender Internet Security 2016. That's been on my pc since Friday after removing BIS 2015 before installing BIS 2016...
  10. Tal Hadad

    Windows 7 Can anyone help me with a BSOD please?

    For some reason after exiting from sleep mode today i got a BSOD Can anyone help me by viewing the dmp file i have added?
  11. E

    Windows 7 PST file corruption??

    Hello, I use a single PST file as my main information store between home and office. The file is 100MB and has recently been compacted. At the office, we have an Exchange Server, and at home I interface with my POP. Ultimately evertything gets filed in this PST file which I carry on...
  12. M

    Windows 8 Random BSOD with different types of error codes

    hey, I got a new pc with win 8.1 installed on it, I always get BSOD and there are different types of error codes: most of them says it because ntoskrnl.exe+1509a0 I already fresh installed win 8.1 and still having those problems. what I did is checking the system stability with FurMark and...
  13. M

    Windows 8 8.1 blue screen on fresh OS

    i barely have anything installed on this machine. mostly windows updates and drivers. i counted 7 applications that i installed myself. i was hoping for a headache free experience on a fresh OS but i just got my first blue screen after a few days of loading windows. i usually just ignore them...
  14. I

    Windows 8 Windows 8.1 Pro BSOD Randomly

    Hello, I decided to upgrade my pc and last night I got everything together and did a fresh install of 8.1 Pro on a new SSD. I also made some hardware changes in the form of a new video card (970GTX) and took out 8 gigs of Mushkin Blackline ram and put in 16 gigs of Mushkin Redline ram. Some of...
  15. M

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Random BSOD

    Hello, For the last month or so I have been experiencing some random BSOD's. I can't seem to find what is causing the problem. If there is anybody that could give me an advice it would be highly appreciated. I have uploaded my minidump file here. Thank you. :)
  16. G

    Windows 8 crash and automatic reboot on Win 8

    I usually leave the machine running. It is set to produce a memory dump and to "automatically restart" upon system failure. When I came to the computer this afternoon, it said it had crashed and restared. Here's a summary of the machine by Speccy: Summary Operating System Windows 8...
  17. R

    Windows 8 Is the ESET really the culprit? Run into BSOD when launch driver verifier check on windows 8.1 x64

    Hey, everyone. My first BSOD occurred about 10 days ago, randomly and frequently. I'd done SFC /scannow and 'Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth', nothing wrong. Then several rounds driver verifier, uninstalled some programs with drivers that triggered BSOD, drivers indicated by...
  18. F

    Windows 7 Troubleshooting Frequent Blue Screens on Windows 7: Need Help Analyzing .dmp Files

    I've been having trouble with bluescreening recently. I can't isolate it to any cause, and have very little knowledge of how to fix computers without just resetting them. I have uploaded 4 .dmp files associated with the bluescreens. I don't know how to open or read them, much less how to...
  19. O

    Windows 8 BSOD Probably caused by : win32k.sys, help!

    I've been getting random BSOD's for a long time now ever since i purchased the machine. Tried analyzing the file using windbg and pasted the bugcheck analysis at the end of this post. but i always see Probably caused by : win32k.sys ( win32k!xxxSendMessageToClient+0 ) I have the latest windows...
  20. P

    Windows 7 Extract and restore system events from logfiles possible?

    As you know in the windows system event logfiles all events are stored. Can I somehow extract (+delete) all events (in a period of time e.g. the first 8 month of 2014) from this logfile (logfiles?) and restore them later if necessary? If yes: How? One the one hand I want to delete all traces...