error handling

  1. U

    Windows XP 2 versions of XP on hard drive how to tell which one's being used?

    Dear Anyone. OK, so this is one of those questions where I'm going to feel a total plonker for not spotting the answer myself, so there's no need to point that fact out to me! Hard drive with 2 versions of XP on it. One version won't install my software - a VST synth - it comes up with...
  2. S

    Windows 10 USB Problem

    Hi. Been struggeling with this for weeks. Device manager do not detect new devices. I'm also not able to uninstall any of the universal USB controllers. Have tried to boot without any USB devies exept keyboard and mouse, but usb is still not working correctly. I have win10 with latest update...
  3. U

    Windows 10 Robocopy kopiert bei /XD nur das angegebene Hauptverzeichnis

    Hallo Gemeinde! Beim Backup mit Robocopy mit der Befehlszeile net use x: \\backup-pc\d\xxxx /user:admin xxxx robocopy c: x:\c /R:1 /w:1 /Mir /xj /XD "c:\Windows" "c:\$Recycle.bin" wird nur das Hauptverzeichnis "Windows" ausgeschlossen. Die Unterverzeichnisse werden jedoch kopiert. Alle weiteren...
  4. Rust/WinRT Public Preview

    We are excited to announce that the Rust/WinRT project finally has a permanent and public home on GitHub: microsoft/winrt-rs Rust/WinRT follows in the tradition established by C++/WinRT of building language projections for the Windows Runtime using standard languages and compilers, providing a...
  5. J

    Windows 10 Corrupt file

    Word 16 suddenly would not open a document I've been working on for a while. I get the error that it needs to be recovered. After I recovered it the file contents were gibberish. My question is how do word documents become corrupt? Can this be prevented?
  6. J

    Unable to mount windows server 2012 r2 to linux centos 7.6.1810

    Hi, I'm trying to mount a Windows Server 2012 R2 on my Linux CentOs 7.6.1810. I'm doing it on Linux through the fstab file (etc/ftsab) on the following way; //winServerIP/winServerFolder /home/desiredExistingFolder cifs vers=3.02,user,username=xxx,password=xxx,sec=ntlm,auto,r,uid=500,suid 0 0...
  7. Windows 10 Script Dual Boot Win X Linux cuidado

    Olá! Net hum Já corri Muito sem Sucesso. Agora recorro AOS senhores para ver a possibilidade de Solução. Abaixo o meu Problema APOS execução dum Roteiro, Não Saiu Fazer meu Computador MESMO APOS formatar o nota Fazer zero: bcdedit / set {} bootmgr Caminho \ EFI \ ubuntu \ grubx64.efi Como Posso...
  8. W

    Windows 10 How does Windows decide whether to initiate automatic repair?

    Failed boot 1: Boot normally. Failed boot 2: Boot normally. Failed boot 3: Automatic repair. Failed boot 4: Boot normally again? In which file does Windows store the information of what mode to boot into?
  9. Debian Linux version 9.5 directory permissions and WinSCP version 5.13.3 ( Build 8565 ).

    Attention: windowsForum members: This morning I finally figured out how to transfer files from Microsoft Windows 10 ( Home ) edition hard drive ( c: ) to my new Oracle VirtualBox Debian version 9.5 virtual machine ( VM ) operating system. If you receive the "Error message from server...
  10. C# Console UWP Applications

    We’ve just published an update to the Console UWP App project templates on the Visual Studio marketplace here. The latest version (v1.5) adds support for C#. The C# template code only works with Visual Studio 2017 version 15.7 or later. In a previous post, I described how to build a simple...
  11. K

    Windows 8 DISM Error: 87 the Cleanup-Image option is unknown

    So I'm having trouble finding and installing updates, and that has led me to an issue with DISM while trying to fix it. When i run DISM, "Dism /Online /Cleanup-Image /ScanHealth" it returns an error:87 the Cleanup-Image option is unknown. I can run "Dism /online /Cleanup-Image /?" and it will...
  12. Breaking on DOM Mutations in the Microsoft Edge DevTools

    Editor’s note: This continues the series we began last week, highlighting what’s new and improved in the Microsoft Edge DevTools with EdgeHTML 16. As the web platform evolves, the line between web and application developers continues to blur. It’s common now for a web site to be more like a web...
  13. VIDEO New DirectX 12 features in Windows 10 Fall Creators Update

    We’ve come a long way since we launched DirectX 12 with Windows 10 on July 29, 2015. Since then, we’ve heard every bit of feedback and improved the API to enhance stability and offer more versatility. Today, developers using DirectX 12 can build games that have better graphics, run faster and...
  14. R

    Windows 7 "Access is denied" ... but I own it...

    To keep the story short (and avoid embarrassment to myself)... I have a file (.exe) to which everyone supposedly has full permissions, except that with explorer I cannot delete it, copy it, or move it. I can take ownership of it, but the same situation still exists. I **know** (because there...
  15. Windows 8 Registry names and paths

    Hello Its the very first time I am posting here as I just registered. So please redirect me to the correct forum section of the forum if it is not appropriate for this query. My question is: "Do the names and paths of the registry keys changed from windows version to version and PC to PC?" I...
  16. G

    Windows 8.1 CRC error reading volume.

    I am using CreateFile to open a snapshot volume, and ReadFile to read from it. On one system I had an attempt to read 1 mb fail with a CRC error. As I understand it, the drive should be doing its own bad sector mapping, but apparently it's not. I know that NTFS has bad sector handling, does...
  17. K

    Windows 10 mp3 in visual basic

    Hi, I started a project with visual basic with microsoft visual studio. I want to add audio to my program and play it as background. I searched the Internet and learned how to add .wav to my project. But .wav format is uncompressed audio, therefore it took a lot of space. If the mp3 file take...
  18. Windows 10 SDK Preview Build 15042 Released

    Today, we released a new Windows 10 Creators Update SDK Preview to be used in conjunction with Link Removed (Build 15042 or greater). The Preview SDK is a pre-release and cannot be used in a production environment. Please only install the SDK on your test machine. The Preview SDK Build 15042...
  19. M

    Windows 7 Registry corrupted. Need to fix it.

    I am running Windows 7 Pro 64 bit and lately it's been acting strange. I cannot run chkdsk or any of the other 'fixers' because they just appear on the screen for an instant then disappear. I also cannot update my video cards driver. It says a communication problem. I need to fix the registry...
  20. G

    Windows 10 Restoring media back to windows 7 from windows 10

    I recently had to restore a windows 7 computer. When I restored my media files, they were already formatted to windows 10. Now the windows 7 computer won't read any of the playlists. As much as I've tried, I can't find a way to get the playlists to work again in the older format. Any ideas how...