
  1. Windows Forum Folding@home team - Who's interested in joining it ?

    **SOLVED** Who's interested in joining a Windows Forum Folding@home team ?
  2. L

    Windows 7 BSOD 0x00000124 when running F@H SMP

    Link RemovedLink RemovedLink Removed HI, I just recently encountered this 124 a lot when running fah smp client (cpu stays full load) my cpu was overclocked at 4GHZ, it's a i7-860 passed every burning test, including hyper pi 32m, Linx it's just when run this smp over few hours, this bsod...
  3. Folding@Home

    So does anyone on the site use Folding@Home? In case you do not know, Folding@Home is a way to use your extra CPU/GPU cycles to help solve protein folding to cure diseases. Now that the human genome has been mapped, scientists are trying to figure out how and why proteins fold - and misfold, in...