Maybe...Reinstall uTorrent?Check your network drivers are up to date?Don't use uTorrent (i.e: Get movies/music/whatever legitimately, so you don't ruin the media industry? Producers would be less inclined to make good films if they knew that once the film was released it would immediately be copied and downloaded off the internet. TL
R - Don't get media off the internet)?Looking at your system - i7 2600K and GTX 670. That's about $700 - $750. And you're saying you don't want to pay ~$30 for a DVD? You get my point....Sorry for the long rant, but just think twice before clicking the download button.
You have 112 updates installed. Normally on a Windows 7 SP1 system you have about 130 to 140, so check Windows Update and download any available updates.
Have you checked your SSD's drivers are up to date? Also, how long have you used your SSD for? After a while, SSD memory tends to drop off a bit and the performance won't be as good as before.
You have two devices with problems:
Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Virtual Miniport Adapter for Windows x64 This device is disabled.
ASUS Bluetooth This device is disabled.
Windows 7 has had problems with Bluetooth devices in the past (in my experience), so you may want to try uninstalling ASUS Bluetooth.
Just as a sidenote: If you have overclocked any parts on your computer, please return them to stock settings for now, but feel free to re-overclock if the problem is fixed.
All three dmps point to NETIO.sys:
Suggestions -
1. Try uninstalling and reinstalling your AntiVirus.
2. Update the driver for your network adapter
3. Disable the network adapter, reboot and see if the problem occurs again
Link Removed Try using the hotfix to see if that helps as well.