forgot password

  1. M

    Windows 10 The “I forgot pin” option isn’t showing up on start screen.

    So I tried to login to my pc today, but my pin wouldn’t work. I used the same one that worked yesterday, but today it said incorrect pin. After some tries it said I had to restart to try again, but after restarting the “I forgot pin” option has disappeared from underneath the pin box. How can I...
  2. S

    Windows 10 W10 forgot local password when repairing installation

    Having just recovered my system after some disastrous problems, I learned a hard-won lessong. When recovering or repairing W10 systems, there are times when you are expected to provide the login and password for the damaged system. This poses a significant difficulty to those who login on the...
  3. E

    Windows 10 windows 10 forgotten log in password

    yesterday i bought a tablet that has windows 10 on it and i have forgotten my password already so i cant even get into the main screen, i have plugged a keyboard into it and pressed shift and restart and gone onto just remove my files but on the page it doent work it wont let me click anything...
  4. S

    Windows 8 lost admin password

    Hi there! I have forgotten my admin password to my sons computer (i have the UAC so he cant install things without my password) i have heard something about cmd and net user but i cant use cmd with admin rights without the password. What should i do?
  5. H

    Windows 8 How can I recover forgotten Windows 8.1 password

    I forgot my adminstrators password on my laptop,windows 8.1, and that is my only windows account, how can i recovery my password without the disc. It wont let me go into safe mode cause i still need the password. please help!
  6. W

    Windows 8 Locked Out of Computer

    New, don't even have the emails entered. Forgot password and with Win8 unable to go anywhere to fix it. It tells me to go and change password but cannot bring up any screens. Help
  7. S

    Windows 7 Forgot Password

    Hello someone has put in a password into my computer as a joke but he forgot it not very funny now :( Now I can't get in and I don't want to whipe it Please help thanks!