game window

  1. D

    Remove one side of a game window without affecting the game

    Hi, I play World of Warcraft and I like the character to be close to the left side of the screen. If I put it in windowed mode and slide it off to where I want to have it, it affects the game's camera. Is there a way to remove one side of the displayed portion of a window? I use Windows 7.
  2. A

    Windows 7 Tampered Display

    [Long Story Short].. I have Windows 7 Home Edition with Intel Core i3 Processor, and Intel graphic Media Card, with 4GB Ram (3.88 GB Usable) I have tampered my graphics and display.... everything is working perfectly fine..but, whenever i start a game it comes in small isn't...
  3. T

    Windows 7 Screen Flickering and Non-Responsive Windows

    Recently I installed a program called Advanced System Optimizer. Not a spyware issue or anything like that, it is actually a legitimate program. However it decided to optimize -something- in my system which now causes any game window I open to flicker and jump terribly. If I minimize a window...