ghost files

  1. A

    Windows 7 ghost files1

    Hp came with two drives. vista 64 set it back to factory specs and installed win7 64. seem okay. just noticed that the other drive is empty - correct. but properties says there is 43GB there! it is set up to show hidden files. how do i tell win7 64 that hey! the drive is empty. thanks
  2. I

    Windows 7 Help with Windows Picture Viewer

    Good people! I've stumbled upon a problem. I was quick-editing pictures with the help of Picture viewer (essentially just rotating the pictures and then jumping on to the next picture). I then noticed that the pictures disappeared from their parent folder. This happened to about 10 pictures...
  3. Windows 7 Recycle Bin ghost files.

    I was doing a virus scan and saw there are like 20,000 files located inside the C:\$Recycle.Bin folder that were being scanned. I went to the folder to delete these files and there are no files to be found. Where is all this crap located and how do I wipe it out permanently?
  4. W

    Windows 7 Ghost files

    I have what I would call “Ghost Files” in my Documents directory. These were left over after I moved the original document to another location and I can’t seem to be able to delete them. They are a combination of MS Word documents, video or Excel items. The pop-up box tells me “This is no...
  5. Windows 7 Deleted files still visible on Win Explorer

    I have a new (3 months) Toshiba laptop, with Windows 7 64 bit running on it. A couple of weeks after I got it, I had finished downloading a couple of torrents, I deleted the torrent files. However, I saw that the deleted files are still visible in Windows Explorer and I can't get rid of them...
  6. P

    Windows 7 Win 7 64bit + iTunes + 2nd Gen iPod Touch = Fail

    Did a clean install of the OS and installed the 64bit version of iTunes 8.1.1 and things were looking decent for a little while until I tried to sync a video to the iPod. The transfers always get part way through and then they stall. A few minutes later iTunes tosses an error saying the 'disk...