
  1. VIDEO Buddha's Flute Music: Zen Garden 7

  2. VIDEO A Fascinating Explanation Of Chakras & Our Unseen Bodies | Vigyan Bhairav | Gurudev

    Untill you experience it it may sound unreal . 😇
  3. VIDEO [Try Listening For 2 Minutes] Euphoria - Complete Restoration - Body, Mind and Spirit Healing

  4. VIDEO Cosmic Love Music | 432Hz Deep Healing | Frequency Meditation Music | Healing Miracle Tones

  5. VIDEO Impossible Shamanic Voice by Istvan Sky - Divine Overtone Chanting

  6. VIDEO Are You Possessed? Lightworkers, The Matrix, Archons, The New Age and the Lords of Karma

  7. VIDEO WARNING! Extremely Powerful Third Eye Opening Binaural Beat Meditation

    :cool: :up: :peace:
  8. VIDEO Mantra Music: Ong Namo by Snatam Kaur

    :cool: :peace:
  9. VIDEO The Sacred Body. Kundalini, Subtle bodies, Chi, Yoga, and the

  10. VIDEO Soulmates, Twin Flames, & Other Spiritual Love Connections

  11. VIDEO The Chopra Well

    URBAN YOGIS is an uplifting documentary series featuring stories on the transformative power of yoga and meditation. Beautifully shot, inspiring, and heartfelt - the series delves into the lives of cancer survivors, inner-city youth dealing with violence in their communities, recovering addicts...
  12. VIDEO Awakening Signs

    :up: More Awakening Signs include: -A feeling that something has changed within you You simply feel different, you may not look any different but you know something has changed internally. Your old ways are falling by the wayside and the real you is starting to emerge. -An increase in...
  13. VIDEO Comedy Club

    Whoosh has done a great job in introducing a very important part, comedy and humor, in a Forum that could be very numb and dumb, merely dealing with dull technical issues... Don't shoot the messenger, please. Psychologists and psychiatrists and philosophers and ones who know the human existence...
  14. VIDEO Shaolin Chi Healing crazy

  15. VIDEO Signs of A Lightworker - Lightworkers Waking up 2012 and Beyond

  16. VIDEO Spiritual Love - Raising Your Vibrational Frequency Into A Field Of Pure Love

  17. VIDEO Reiki/Music Native

  18. VIDEO A truly different Chrismas Poem very moving

    This truly a different Christmas Poem put to Music A Different Christmas Poem - YouTube I am a Viet Nam vet; When you watch this beautiful tribute, please remember things were different for us. I ask for no appologies, no sympathy. I will ask you to consider better men and women! They serve...
  19. Jesus and the Democrat

    hope you get a smile out of this one. (I don't care what party you like, this one's funny!!) A Republican, in a wheelchair, entered a restaurant one afternoon and asked the waitress for a cup of coffee. The Republican looked across the restaurant and asked, "Is that...
  20. GFX Team : kaos is back

    hi guys, i no i not been on much over the last 2 weeks or so n maybe for another 2 weeks ill be on and off i have a perforated ear drum and the pain is rather annoying at times... when people say dont put cotton buds (the ones on the plastic stick thing) in your ear, seriously dont, i did that...