
  1. S

    Windows 10 Requesting Registry Information

    I'm very curious to what the "LockDatabase" feature does in the registry. I'm referring to the one I found in: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings
  2. Windows 8 Understanding a Windows Registry File: What Does It Do?

    I have that file name in the Document Folder, i wonder how was it created. here is the contents of that file.. what is this? Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.]...
  3. H

    Windows 7 Editing Registry Keys

    I'm trying to use TinyUmbrella, but it won't start. From surfing the net, I found a solution which I don't know how to apply. Here is what he, who wrote this long ago (so I can't ask him about it now), wrote: Set the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\com\sema...
  4. C

    Windows 7 Mystery registry change upon change of account type

    Can anyone point me to documentation of the effect wherein HKCU registry keys showing to regedt32 and apps change when the user's account type is changed? A user of account type Standard installed an app which created some config keys, and regedt32 showed these keys fine, under...
  5. Windows 8 Method to Disable Charms Bar

    I found this in another Forum. Many have asked how to do this: Very Cool!. The Charms Bar is still available, but does not pop up until you actually put your cursor in the Top, Right or Bottom Right corner and slide it along the right edge, then Charms pops up. Gives a way to not have Charms...
  6. T

    Windows 7 running .bat each time computer starts

    i would like to if its possible on windows 7 to run a bat each time computer starts from HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run for example of from startup or its just not possible because of the uac ? i dont want to use task scheduler
  7. T

    Windows 7 Permission Error?

    Hi There, I've written a logon script which adds registry entires for users. The script will work for administrators. However this does not work Users. I get the following Error Error: Invalid root in registry key Code: 80070005 Source: WshShell.RegWrite The 80070005 is a...
  8. D

    Windows 7 Registry access denied importing .reg file

    I got windows 7 starter edition on my new netbook. I'm trying to importing .reg file necessary to run a program that i use for work but i received that message. I 'm the administrtor, the only user and i'm not virus affected. I right-clicked on regedit.exe and selected "run ad administrator" but...