home directory

  1. Carson Dyle

    Windows 7 Home directory in Explorer stuck using medium icons

    I like to use the detailed directory view in Windows Explorer. But something maddening happens in my home directory in Explorer under Desktop\<username>: no matter how much I try to set it to 'Details', any time I return to the folder, it reverts back to 'Medium Icons'. If I access the folder...
  2. Z

    Windows XP my home dir is emptied by windows !?

    Hello, My notebook (xp) has recently broke down, and I moved its HDD to my desktop (xp) to access my data. To work with more or less the same environment as before, I set the home dir of the user on the desktop to the directory on the notebook's HDD that used to be my home. I have the same...
  3. News

    Home directory settings that you defined in Group Policy are not applied on a Windows 7 SP1-based or

    Fixes an issue in which the home directory is set unexpectedly to the default directory. This issue occurs after you try to define the home directory by using Group Policy on a Windows 7 SP1-based or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1-based VDI client. More...
  4. News

    Home directory settings that you tried to define by using Group Policy are not applied on a Windows

    Fixes an issue in which the home directory is set to the default directory unexpectedly. This issue occurs after you try to define the home directory by using Group Policy on a Windows 7 SP1-based or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1-based VDI client. More...
  5. Mike

    Windows 7 Environment Variables in Windows 7

    The following are Environment Variables in Windows 7 which can allow you to get to system locations more efficiently. What are Environment Variables in Windows? Well, if we understand that "variables" are things that can be changed, and if we also understand that the environment that variables...
  6. S

    Windows 7 Permanently delete My Pictures, My Videos, etc ...

    Argh! I'm driving myself nuts trying to figure this out. Somebody must have tackled this. Win7 graciously supplied my "home" directory (c:\Users\jfs) with a bunch of folders I don't want -- My Videos, My Pictures to name a few. For heaven's sake, how do I get rid of them? I've been doing...
  7. B

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Disappearing Files/Settings Issue

    I've just bought a new PC last friday. I installed and copied tons of stuff from my old PC over. I have a habit of keeping everything on my desktop. However, today, after a virus scan, i restarted my PC. It prompted me to "install Windows 7" weird eh? Anyway, after i plugged in all information...
  8. Pershagen

    Windows 7 Move the Public and users Folder in Windows 7

    Hello I would like to relocate my home directory, se blow From C:\Users\Public to D:\Users\Public and from C:\Users\Fredrik to D:\Users\Fredrik When I create a new user can I automaticly have his/her home directory at D:\users\My_New_Users_Name? Best Regards Fredrik Andersson I use Windows...