
  1. N

    Windows 7 blocking folders with icacls

    Using the command line, I would like to write a simple script that creates two folders C:\$X.~01 and C:\$X.~01 and then maybe uses the icacls command to set the permissions on both folders such that neither folder may be read, written or modified in any manner except specifically by a single...
  2. B

    Need help with Windows 2003 icacls

    Hello guys, At the moment I am doing a task for school. I need to make a folder that is shared and is only accessible by the specific user and the Administrator. This should in CMD. I already have the following commando' s: net user Test Welkom01 /ADD /DOMAIN net group Directie Test /add mkdir...
  3. W

    Windows 7 How to Recover User Profile Access in Windows: Step-by-Step Guide

    This is another follow-up thread but I need to know how to use it (easily) I have tried to use the normal routine to recover my profile: 1. create a new profile 2. Copy every file from the old to the new with the exception of: ntuser.ini ntuser.dat ntuser.dat.log However this does not...
  4. C

    Windows 7 Access Denied Error Message Trying to Delete Folder Even in the DOS Command Prompt!

    I had downloaded a file and when I was done with it I wanted to delete the folder, subdirectories, and files. I kept getting "Access Denied." Went into properties and under Security, the owner was not named and I could not change it by editing it. Everytime I tried to change the attrib read only...
  5. P

    Windows 7 CACLS Bug: Silent abort when reaching "System volumen information" folder

    When I go to the root directory of my partition D: and enter CACLS * /T then the scanning of all my files and folders for Security settings starts. After a while the process reaches the (hidden, system) folder "System Volume Information" ...and abort silently. I think this is...
  6. P

    Windows 7 How to list with CACLS all files with an owner "aaa"?

    1.) How can I find out EXACTLY (presumably with with CACLS or ICACLS) all files or folders in a directory tree which have an owner which contains the pattern "aaa"? 2.) How can I find out EXACTLY (presumably with CACLS or ICACLS) all files or folders in a directory tree which have NOT an...
  7. T

    Windows 7 Cannot delete old user account files

    To test out another problem I was facing, I created a new user account. Now I have no use for that account, so I deleted it, but just to be on the safe side I chose to keep all files from the account. So, Windows created a folder on my desktop with the old account's name, and in it were the...