
  1. reghakr

    RIP Amy Winehouse Remembered By Rihanna, Usher, More

    Amy Jade Winehouse (14 September 1983 – 23 July 2011) was an English singer-songwriter, known for her powerful contralto vocals and her eclectic mix of musical genres including R&B, soul, and jazz. She received extensive publicity over her substance abuse and mental health issues. As of July...
  2. News

    Apple's Lion and Microsoft's Windows 8 Both Show Mobile's Influence

    In the past week, both Apple and Microsoft have laid out their next computer operating systems. In both cases, the features and design of the software are influenced heavily by what is going on in the phone and tablet markets. Source: Yahoo! News
  3. cybercore

    Man Finds His Grandfather in Don Draper's Show

    Over the past four seasons, "Mad Men" has become a pop culture phenomenon, putting viewers in a martini-soaked time machine back to the golden age of the advertising industry. But for one viewer, the show is more than a glimpse back in time -- it's a glimpse into the family photo album...
  4. cybercore

    Online Activism Aims to Stop School Spankings

    Can social media make a real difference for a cause? It's a challenge taken on by Marc Ecko and his Unlimited Justice, a campaign to fight corporal punishment in U.S. schools. More than just an isolated campaign, it's an example of how the Internet is changing modern activism. Online...
  5. cybercore

    How to gain influence on Twitter?

    Lots of Twitter users have lots of followers. For instance, according to Twitaholic right now Lady Gaga has over 9.2 million; Justin Bieber has over 8.6 million; and Britney Spears, over 7.3 million -- just slightly ahead of Barack Obama. But Link Removed shows that simply having a large...
  6. News

    Windows 8 leaked ‘Immersive’ mode shows Windows Phone influence

    Microsoft is keeping a tight lid on Windows 8, but not tight enough. Today a screenshot showing a Windows Phone-like UI has leaked. Source: Yahoo! News
  7. News

    Windows 8 to influence Microsoft mobiles and offices

    Don't have SiliconIndia account? Sign up Forgot your password? Reset Processing .....please wait.. The article has been forwarded.... Source: Yahoo! News
  8. whoosh

    How To Shaft People With Science !

    The most important words are " Don't Panic!" Use those words constantly . Some people may even believe you . People tend to be gullible and easily lead . Never admit fault , blame anything but yourselves. The glass is alway's half full not half empty , emphasise the positive. Finally you know...
  9. Celestra

    (How To's) How To Generate Your Own " Steve Jobs" Mail

    Link Removed Ever since Steve Jobs started sending out select e-mails to certain people, many people have felt "Why Them" ?
  10. whoosh

    Pakistani agents 'funding and training Afghan Taliban'

    Link Removed - Invalid URL Pakistani agents 'funding and training Afghan Taliban' Pakistani intelligence gives funding, training and sanctuary to the Afghan Taliban on a scale much larger than previously thought, a report says. Taliban field commanders interviewed for the report suggested...
  11. reghakr

    Ronnie James Dio dies at 67; legendary heavy metal singer

    He replaced Ozzy Osbourne in Black Sabbath and was also lead singer for the bands Rainbow and Dio. Many of his songs revolved around the struggle between good and evil. Ronnie James Dio, a legendary heavy metal singer who replaced Ozzy Osbourne in Black Sabbath and also was lead singer for...
  12. whoosh

    VIDEO Children see. Children Do.

  13. whoosh

    Office 2010 is now following me on Twitter .

    Strange daze indeed . Not only is Bill Gates following me on Twitter now Office 2010 has taken up the chase ! Was it something I said ? Only joking :) I am happy but not sure what I am doing right to have such influential followers . If I could bottle it I could make a fortune :)
  14. whoosh

    The Importance of not being Earnest

    I have spoken about this before but I feel it is time to fill in a bit . That is the E-Mail I got from Twitter informing me that Bill Gates was following me ! I thought it was a spoof a put on . Knowledgeable people I know are almost certain it is real . I was posting funny Bill Gates videos...