ok guys i'm a new user and i would like some help with mounting windows 7 to a usb flash drive... i am wiping my laptop and installing windows 7 and would like to use a flash drive to load the os to the laptop... i'm not sure if the usb drive would be called a boot drive... to put it simply, i...
I have Power ISO installed, so if I mount the Windows 10 ISO as a virtual disc, can I just install it like that, rather then using a real disc? I know it will not work if I'm formatting and doing a clean install but I am just upgrading from Windows 7.
Ok, I am trying to boot from my flash drive and re-install windows 7 and I used the Windows 7 USB DVD download tool, I have the option to boot from the flash drive but when I do instead of loading windows and installing it, it comes up "Reboot and Select proper boot device or Insert Boot Media...
boot issues
boot menu
bootable media
computer help
device selection
flash drive
media creation
reboot error
reinstall windows
system restore
usb install
windows 7
windows 7 tool
windows setup
This is more for the Windows developers than others reading this because I know I'll get alot of negative replies about me being a "high and mighty" Mac user. The truth is, I was a HUGE Windows advocate for years until a Mac came into my possession by mere chance. (My laptop died, I had no...
control panel
device management
expose feature
mac user
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pop-up boxes
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windows 7
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I read that you can install W7 without using a thumb drive/DVD by simply using Virtual Clone Drive. I downloaded the 7127 iso, mounted it using VCD, and started the installation on a new partition. However, the setup expands the installation files, it stops and gives me the error...
Hi guys it's a bit fiddly to use but this program actuually works
Elby Virtual Clone
elby Virtual CloneDrive - Free ISO Mounting Utility For Vista - Greg's Cool [Insert Clever Name] of the Day
don't worry about the date on the blog -- the software is updated since then and works on W7 X32...
Hi all,
So yesterday I took the plunge, I was sick of my bloated vista on my Sony Vaio (which came with far to much Vaio crap) and I wanted to try out this new OS which seems to be getting a positive response on all the blogs. So i backed up all my important files onto my other partition and...