
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Watch "Lawrence: President Donald Trump's ‘Lie’ Infiltrates Language | The Last Word | MSNBC" on YouTube

    [emoji631] [emoji12] Sent from my D6603 using Windows Forums mobile app
  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Anonymous Republican On Trump: 'Impeach The Motherf*cker'

    :usa: Very adult language :eek:
  3. Curious

    Windows 10 Microsoft Edge

    Hello, When i start Microsoft Edge i get a page of News in English, and news in USA. When i change to Portuguese i receive, obviously news from Portugal. I SAVE the changes. When i stop and start again Microsoft Edge the Language is again English. Why if i made the SAVE. This happens sometimes...
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Liar in Chief

    :usa::razz: Contains very strong language :eek:
  5. whoosh


  6. whoosh

    VIDEO The Americans Who Still Speak with Regional British English Accents

  7. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump Called Out: 'You Don't Give A S**t About Puerto Rico' (VIDEO)

    :usa::shocked: Some strong language
  8. whoosh

    VIDEO Facebook A.I. Robots shut down after creating their own language |Artificial Intelligence |#facebook

  9. whoosh

    VIDEO Language Expert: Donald Trump's Way Of Speaking Is 'Oddly Adolescent' | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

  10. M

    Adding subtitles

    Do you know of a good app that i can add more subtitle language choices to video dvd without re-encoding the original dvd?
  11. S

    Windows 10 rabish in title

    in many app. i have this rabish in the title. how can i see it in english??? i use win 10 1703 b. 15063.
  12. whoosh

    VIDEO How to Survive in Australia

    May contain adult language :razz::rofl:
  13. whoosh

    VIDEO Why is There an R in "Mrs" When Its Pronounced "Misses"?

  14. whoosh

    VIDEO How far back in time could you go and still understand English?

  15. whoosh

    VIDEO To Avoid Sounding Dumb, Interpreters Modify Trump's Language David Pakman Show

    :razz::usa::rofl: :rofl:
  16. whoosh

    VIDEO How the Edwardians Spoke [signed]

  17. whoosh

    NEWS Computer Buff ?

    When you say that someone is a movie buff what you mean is that the individual is very enthusiastic about movies. Similarly, a computer buff is someone who is very enthusiastic about computers. And right now, thanks to the World Cup, we have cricket buffs turning into couch potatoes. But do you...
  18. News

    Cognitive Services APIs: Language

    In the last post, you saw how AI is used to turn speech into text through the Cognitive Services Speech APIs. Once sounds have been converted into written text, they still have to be distilled for their meaning. Human language, however, is rich in ambiguities and understanding a sentence...
  19. whoosh

    VIDEO Why British Singers Lose Their Accent When Singing

  20. X

    Windows 8 Microsoft Language

    Hi All, Good Day. I would like to check how can I view language that's not support by microsoft, I have a user which wanted to read and view myanmar zawgyi language, but almost all of the word on IE couldn't be read and in outlook the word become unrecognized. The language pack couldn't be...