
  1. Windows 10 Program Font Sizes to Large?

    I recently purchased the Alineware 17.3, but some of my programs, like Malware Bytes, Pencil2D, and Open Broadcaster Software, the fonts are are to large to read. I'm putting some pictures of the problem. My computer has Nvidia, and Intel graphics drivers. I'm not sure if thats needed info. Does...
  2. Q

    Windows 7 Folder icons in Save dialogbox disappear

    Hi guys, Need some help... I have a strange problem while saving documents... the problem is that if i select Large or Extra Large icon view , the folder icons disappear in the save dialog box. Medium icons OK, Large not OK. Link RemovedLink Removed I searched a lot of websites, forums, but...
  3. Largest home aquarium

    Exotic fish enthusiast Jack Heathcote owns the largest home fish tank in the country, which he has to dive in to clean out. The salsa teacher from Nottingham was not happy with a simple goldfish bowl so instead splashed out on a massive tank, which he installed in his basement. It cost...