
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Cameron vs Miliband - "You knifed your brother in the back!"

  2. News

    Windows 8 Leadership Change Could Herald Windows 8-Powered Phones

    Andy Lees, head of Microsoft’s Windows Phone division for more than three years, has been moved by Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer into a new “time-critical” role that somehow combines Windows Phone and Windows 8. Terry Myerson, who led Windows Phone’s engineering efforts, will take over the...
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Gaddafi is dead. Who is next in Arab Spring revolution?

  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Hitler phones Muammar al-Gaddafi

  5. Mike

    Moving on: A Guide for Group Conduct

    The following message was written for our administrative team, but when analyzed, I believe it can be applied to forum members as a whole. I hope that you will agree, as in many cases, there can be no room for error: I have spoken to whoosh and we are ready to go. As long as we don't get under...
  6. News

    Ballmer's breaking point: Is Windows 8 already too late?

    Office 365 politics Radio Reg Steve Ballmer is feeling the heat. Last month, he was so concerned with criticism of his leadership skills, he spilled some Redmond financial results he probably shouldn't have spilled.… Source: Yahoo! News
  7. News

    Windows 7 Microsoft Board Member Charles H. Noski

    I had a chance to sit down and talk to Microsoft board member Link Removed recently. I asked Charles what it's like inside the Microsoft board, what the function of the board is, and what preparation he does before meetings. You can also see my previous interview with Microsoft board member...
  8. reghakr

    Anwar Al-Awlaki: The new Al-Qa'ida Leader in Yemen?

    Summary Open source media reports that Al Qa'ida in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) is currently engaging in an internal debate about formally appointing Anwar al-Awlaki as its leader. This debate is likely to have only one conclusion. The timing of this debate is largely and deliberately...
  9. reghakr

    Al Qaeda admits bin Laden's death online

    Militant group says blood of leader killed in U.S. military raid "will not be wasted," calls for more attacks (CBS/AP) CAIRO - Al Qaeda on Friday confirmed the killing of Osama bin Laden and warned of retaliation, saying Americans' "happiness will turn to sadness." The confirmation came...
  10. reghakr

    5 questions to ask about Osama bin Laden's death

    By now, you probably know that a small team of American operatives found and killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan. We’ll know more over the coming days and weeks, but for now, here are five questions Americans should ask of our leaders. 1. How have our objectives changed in Iraq and...
  11. cybercore

    Former Sony president, dies

    The former president and chairman of Sony, Norio Ohga, who was credited with developing the compact disc, has died aged 81, the company has said. Ohga, who led the company from 1982 to 1995, died of multiple organ failure in the Japanese capital, Tokyo. Sony's...
  12. cybercore

    Japan earmarks first $50 billion for post-quake rebuild

    Link Removed Japan's cabinet approved on Friday almost $50 billion of spending for post-earthquake rebuilding, a downpayment on the country's biggest public works effort in six decades. The emergency budget of 4 trillion yen ($48.5 billion), which is likely be followed by more...
  13. whoosh

    Jimmy Carter and Fukushima

    THREE weeks after Japan's earthquake and tsunami crippled the Fukushima nuclear power plant, spewing radiation as far as Iceland, clean-up crews have been working around the clock to bring the reactor under control and contain the leakage. Their life is a nightmare. "Crying is useless," wrote...
  14. reghakr

    Microsoft bumps Ballmer, brings back Bill

    Company founder Bill Gates pledges to rescue company from 'third-world' fate Microsoft today announced that company founder Bill Gates is resuming his former role as CEO effective immediately. The fate of his successor and now predecessor Steve Ballmer remains unclear; for the time being, he...
  15. whoosh


    The most important words are " Don't Panic!" Use those words constantly . Some people may even believe you . People tend to be gullible and easily lead . Never admit fault , blame anything but yourselves. The glass is alway's half full not half empty , emphasise the positive. Finally you know...
  16. cybercore

    Japanese firemen battle invisible danger

    The most difficult thing in a nuclear crisis, the Tokyo firefighter said, was the inability to sense where the danger was. The Tokyo Fire Department's elite rescue team was among those called in to cool down a nuclear plant north of the capital that was badly damaged by a March 11 earthquake...
  17. cybercore

    Bono and Spielberg up for Gorbachev awards

    Irish rocker Bono and Google co-founder Sergey Brin have been nominated for a new prize created by former Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev to mark his 80th birthday, the organisers said. The "Mikhail Gorbachev: the man who changed the world" awards are named after his three major policies...
  18. News

    Windows 7 Silverlight TV 62: The Silverlight 5 Triad Unplugged

    In this episode, the Silverlight 5 Triad joins John on Silverlight TV to discuss their Silverlight 5 roles, some ways they receive feedback from customers, how they interact with each other, and to talk about some of their favorite features in the next release. Sam George (Development Manager)...
  19. News

    Making Windows 7 Migration Pay Rapid and Real Business Dividends

    Discover how visionary business leaders are using Windows 7 migration strategies to build a virtualised desktop architecture that will deliver a long-term strategic business advantage. Link Removed due to 404 Error
  20. News

    Windows 7 Microsoft Board Member Helmut Panke

    Several times each year Microsoft's board of directors get together and talk, and several times per year I wonder what they actually do, what they talk about, and how they operate. I got a chance to sit down with board memberLink Removed to talk about these things as well as his background as a...