local port

  1. C

    Windows 7 Nito Pro v6 (x86) will not install print driver in Win 7 64bit

    I have been using this Nitro version on older Win 7 and newer Win 10 machines (all 64 bit) and have legally transferred the SW from one to the other. NEW Win 7 Pro 64 bit machine installed Nitro Pro in the Program(x86) folder but I do not have the ability to add the Nitro PDF Printer in the...
  2. M

    Windows 7 How do I create a tcp/ip port in Win 7

    I used to be able to do this in XP. I now have Windows 7 Pro. I am trying to add a printer to a local port that is tcp/ip enabled. When I use the add a new printer wizard and select the create new port I don't have a tcp/ip option in the list. Why is that? How can I manually create a tcp/ip port...
  3. E

    Windows 7 Printer op XP via netwerk toegang geweigerd.

    Hi All, ik heb een XP machine met de printer er aan een HP Officejet 5610, ik heb net Windows 7 op mijn pc geinstalleerd en ik zie de XP computer, ik kan in de folders en ik zie de printer op de xp. als ik de printer wil kiezen om zo te printen krijg ik de melding kan geen verbinding maken met...
  4. S

    Windows 7 Printing from Windows 7 32-bit to Windows Vista 64-bit

    I have Windows 7 32-bit on a laptop and Windows Vista 64-bit on a desktop. My HP C5580 Printer is connected to the printer and has the printer shared out. I set everyone to have full security rights to this printer. I have no problems connecting and printing from this printer on my other...
  5. wjanowski

    Windows 7 Slow Network Printing - One More Round

    I have a desktop running Windows 7 Build 7057, with a Canon MP530 attached. I also have a laptop running Vista Home Premium. They are connected on my home network, the printer is set as shared, and is viewable from the laptop. All shares on the desktop are viewable and accessible from the...