media player 12

  1. A

    Windows 7 my windows media player does not have library option on view

    My windows media player 12 is in skin mode and can not be converted to full mode, in the view tab. there are no 'Library', 'skin mode' or 'now playing' options. What could be the cause of this? please help
  2. 1

    Windows 7 Windows media player 12 Problem!

    Hey! I need some help here... When i try to open a video to watch it in windows media player 12 a window pop up and says: "There was a problem in Windows Media Player while playing the file." That happens on EVERY video file i try to open -.- So PLEASE HELP ME! ^_^
  3. L

    Windows 7 How to Trim Video in Windows Media Player 12

    1) I am wondering if Windows Media Player 12 has the ability to trim video. I was using Real Player to trim my videos, but I found that the size of the file was diminished when just saving the whole video after it was "trimmed" (which I didn't really end up trimming any of it). I've searched...
  4. Windows 7 mediaplayer error in windows 7 home premium????

    Hi....I have bought an hp touchsmart 600 which came with windows 7 home premium....And I must say I loove windows 7. My only problem(s) so far is with my mediaplayers. I can't scroll my music library through when I am listening to music without the system performance slows and there is this...
  5. G

    Windows 7 windows media player 12 visuals and lyrics?

    hello i have got media player 12 on my windows 7 ultimate 64 bit dell laptop and i cannot seem to get the visual i just downloaded(terminator3) i dont know how to turn visualization on,also does anyone know how to get lyrics to work with media player 12,also update album work? thank you.