message box

  1. F

    Windows 10 Can not show Popup menu items when clicking Power button from the start menu

    On Windows 10, version: 10.0.18362, I have a Windows service application. In the service process, when I use the following code to display a user interactive message box: //Start Impersonate Loggon User MessageBox(IntPtr.Zero, message, caption, MB_DEFAULT_DESKTOP_ONLY | MB_YESNO |...
  2. S

    Windows 7 Can anyone help on batch file processing..

    Hi I have a batch file command set up in a folder on my PC of which creates a new subfolder fine but what im trying to do is to be able to auto run that batch file when I click on the folder icon on the desktop. What I need to do then if poss for a message box or something come up to tell me...
  3. Syex

    Windows 7 How can I stop facebook from asking me if I want to turn on notifications every time I log in.

    This is a recent problem and I'm sorry if this is the wrong place to post such a question but I'm getting desperate for an answer and I'm going to keep asking everywhere until there's a fix. Basically every time I log in to facebook this message box appears: As you can see there is no 'don't...
  4. S

    Windows 7 Problem with repeated "Configuring Microsoft Office 2010" messages.

    I am trying to resolve a PC problem for a relative. He is running Windows 7 and MS Office 2010. Whenever he fires up Outlook he gets a MsgBox advising him that it is "Configuring Microsoft Office 2010". If he allows it to run to completion it reboots the PC but reappears when he opens Outlook...
  5. D

    Windows 7 Deleting files shows huge # of total items and sizes

    I've got Win7 Ultimate installed on two machines. The desktop runs the 32-bit version. The laptop runs the 64-bit version. Whenever I select files and delete them (either using right-click-delete or using the keyboard delete key), a message box pops ups with the status of the delete as...
  6. H

    Windows 7 Drive Mappings

    Hi, i work in the IT Department and I have just installed Windows 7 on a laptop, this has laptop has then been put on the domain and been setup accordingly I have a Group Policy where a VBS Script is run to map network drive depending on group Memberships this was working when i had XP...