mouse buttons

  1. Guy Weisz

    Windows 10 Mouse Right Button Click Problem

    Hi there, In the last couple of weeks I have a problem with my mouse right button (doesn't matter which mouse I use - Pad, USB, etc). When clicking on certain files, such as images, pdf, text files or ms-office files, instead of firing the menu, windows explorer resets (File Explorer shuts...
  2. H

    Windows 10 touchpad mouse buttons and start menu

    When i pressed both of the mouse buttons at the same time in windows 8.1 it would open a new tab in chrome. when i do this in windows 10 it will sometimes open a new tab, but most of the time it launches the start menu. how do i get it to stop launching the menu?
  3. K

    Windows 7 Synaptics touchpad - buttons have merged?

    Hi I have a 2330s HP laptop. Everything worked fine till 1 hour ago or something like that. Then everytime i press the left button it will "left button-click" AND "right button-click" and it actually does the same with the right button. I have tried to see if the settings have been messed up...
  4. R

    Windows Vista USB optical mice all fail

    This is ridiculous. This morning my USB wired optical mouse failed. The pointer would not move but left & right mouse buttons worked !!! It is a standard MS Wheel Mouse Optical 1.1 USB & PS/2 compatible. It will not light up. It is plugged in direct not via hub.When I unplug & plug back =...