
  1. GTXZX

    Windows 10 Bsod: Faulty Hardware Corrupted Page

    Hey guys, I've gotten this BSOD twice so far since upgrading to windows 10. FAULTY HARDWARE CORRUPTED PAGE Here's my files, help is appreciated. Thanks in advance. My SPECS: I7-5820k EVGA X99 Micro Nvidia GTX 980 Reference GPU 32GB Mushkin DDR4-2400 (4x 8gb) X2 Mushkin Enhanced Chronos...
  2. S

    Windows 7 SSD bloat

    Greetings and best of the season to All. I have a Mushkin 120 GB SSD drive for my operating system (Win8). Recently noticed that the operating system and programs take up approx. 104 GB but actual size is only approx. 60 GB. In Acdronis True Image it backs up to 39 GB but takes up 104 GB. I...
  3. F

    Windows 7 Interupt Exception Not Handled - Caused by driver tcpip.sys

    Hi On random occasions (not that often), I get a BSOD - 'Interrupt Not Handled'. Initially I thought it only happened when I was using my Marvell Controller as opposed to Intel but the dump check seems to suggest otherwise, any thoughts to the cause of this? Link Removed System: Rampage III...
  4. Nibiru2012

    Windows 7 Mushkin Callisto 120GB SSD Review

    Back in early May of this year, Mushkin Enhanced released a new line of SSD named "Callisto" after one of Jupiter's moons, to go along with their earlier IO series. The following review is from May 24, 2010 Introduction: Mushkin has been a very well known and...
  5. Super Sarge

    Windows 7 BSOD'S for Interpretation

    Here are a couple of BSOD'S for interpretation by the GURU'S here on BSOD'S, I was experimenting with an overclock of 21*180. I Think it is memory related as my 12 gig of Mushkin Red-lines DDR3 triple channel was at 1800 MHz timings 7 8 7 24 from its Stock of 1600MHz
  6. Super Sarge

    Windows 7 Recent BSOD

    I was wondering what could be causing this BSOD I run OK for a couple of days and then this pops up What are the Possible causes. OS W7 64 bit ASUS P6t Deluxe V2, Memory 12 GIG Mushkin DDR # triple channel running at 1730 MHz, latest BIOS installed Video Card is a Nvidia 260 CPU 920 running at...