
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Nvidia GPU Prices ARE Going Back To Normal!

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Gaming PC Gamers vs Normal PC Gamers

  3. P

    Windows 10 msconfig

    I was going to perform a clean boot and typed msconfig only to find my settings already at selective not normal. I changed it but after a reboot it again was selective.
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Coronavirus: Up to 6 months before life 'returns to normal' says government - BBC News

    🇬🇧 :eek:
  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Arctic Temperature Soars 45 Degrees Above Normal

  6. WhoseLineFan

    Windows 7 Videos Changing Thumbnails

    So when I rebooted my computer when I woke up this morning, some of my videos in my videos library changed thumbnails. Is it normal for my videos to do this or no?
  7. Sonny

    Windows 10 Is This Normal

    I did not use a dvd to install Win 10 on VM.
  8. rusalka

    Windows 7 Font suddenly turned small and weird

    Hello, so I'm not a very computer savvy person and this is my first time posting on a forum like this, thus I apologize if I leave important information out or something. Basically, a few days ago I logged onto my tumblr and noticed that the font on my blog was different. I thought this was an...
  9. M

    Windows 7 Windows 7 God Mode is this normal?

    Hello Do this trick show here Link Removed is this normal? Plus can we do it in Windows 8 also?
  10. A

    Windows 7 Parts' temperature.

    Is this...normal? Link Removed
  11. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 8 How do I get Chrome back to normal?

    Hi In a weak moment I agreed to switch to the Windows 8 Chrome App. It's kind of a pain, and I get messages saying Chrome needs to close when it already is. Now I wan't it to go back to the way it was. Anyone know how I do that? I suppose that I could uninstall it and re-install it...
  12. L

    Windows 7 Black Screen

    :( My Monitor Screen goes black for just a few seconds now and again and then retuns to normal. It does not do so on XP installed on the same computer different hard drive, What should I look for? I am afraid tha it may not return to normal one day. I have not seen this problem postet anywhere...