
  1. A

    Windows 7 Hibernate/sleep issue and bsod reported

    Hello everyone, I have continously crash dumps apprear in c:\windows\minidump. I cannot specify what the cause is of this problem otherwise that ntkrnlpa.exe and halmacpi.dll. Hopefully someone can help me to find out. Regards, Ahof
  2. D

    Windows 7 BSOD on startup ntkrnlpa.exe or page_fault

    BSOD on startup. Its 32bit. I Replaced a video card about a week ago due to page fault in non page area. Now I'm getting an error with ntkrnlpa.exe with a registry_error. Can someone please take a look at the dump files. I will attach the dump files from the diagnostic tool. thanks
  3. L

    Windows 7 Help please major BSOD problem

    Hi guys, getting BSOD at all kinds of times, tried many things but to no avail, here are the dump files on bluescreen event viewer Dump File : 022011-91853-01.dmp Crash Time : 20/02/2011 21:45:33 Bug Check String : KERNEL_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED Bug Check Code : 0x1000008e...
  4. M

    Windows 7 se reinicia , PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA

    On Mon 03/01/2011 22:47:42 GMT your computer crashed crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\010311-21122-01.dmp This was probably caused by the following module: ntkrnlpa.exe (nt+0x858E3) Bugcheck code: 0x50 (0xFFFFFFFFBFFFFFE9, 0x1, 0xFFFFFFFF830A2EFE, 0x2) Error: PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA...
  5. M

    Windows 7 windows 7 driver power state failure caused by ntkrnlpa

    Hi, I wondering if someone could help. I finally managed to install my Western Digital MyBook World Edition but now it takes 20min for Win7 to shut down and I end up with a BSOD. I run the latest version of Win7 and all software and driver are updated...
  6. P

    Windows 7 Fixing DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE BSoD on HP tx2 with Windows 7 Pro

    Hey I keep on getting BSoD by the error DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE. it seems to be caused by halmacpi.dll and ntkrnlpa.exe The computer I am using is HP tx2 loaded with Win7 Pro 32 bit. Please help me find the solution for this problem as I am out of ideas and do not know how to read...
  7. M

    Windows 7 Bsod ndns_.sys

    Installed and reinstalled several different ways and still get a BSOD error referring to NDNS_.SYS. It will boot into SafeMode. I ran BlueScreenView to view the minidump and see the following info appears to fail. Filename Address in Stack from Address to Address halmacpi.dll halmacpi.dll+5ba9...