older computer

  1. R

    Windows 7 W7 not using allocated shared memory

    I have an older computer I have upgraded to W7 I have allocated 128MB shared memory in BIOS. I have 2GB installed RAM. W7 reports Total Available Graphics Memory = 32MB Device manager Display Adapter is indicating three Memory Ranges C0000000-C7FFFFFF CFEE0000-CFEFFFFF 000A0000-000BFFFF Could...
  2. H

    Windows 7 win7 ver# 7100 question

    hello all im running win 7 rc verstion 7100 i read some places that i can use this tell march of 2010 can any one confirm that ? also is there down loads to bring it closer to the full release win7? there is no upgrades from microsoft for this also i am useing a real ser# number direct...
  3. T

    Windows XP Can you Password Protect XP at Start up?

    Can you password protect Windows XP at start up? I have Windows 7 setup this way and would like to do the same with an older computer running XP. Thanks in advance
  4. G

    Windows 7 Latest updates uses handbrake

    I have been running Win7 successfully until these last updates, on my older computer. I have lost the touchpad and the amount of Ram that my system can access has changed. Now I know I am running less then recommended only 512MB but it has done the job running at about 80% which has now only...