
  1. K

    Windows Weekly’s new suggestion.

    Hi, I watched the latest Windows Weekly. It had many hilarious moments. It is hard not to fall in love with Paul and Richard. IMHO, they are funny AF. Anyways, this ep made known NextDNS. I went and got it, and wow, it’s good. I have to turn it off to post here. That is not a problem. As I...
  2. ART Paul

  3. VIDEO Harry and Paul, Dragons Den - Hip Hop Halphabet

  4. VIDEO Harry and Paul I Saw You Coming Grocery S2E5

  5. VIDEO Minor Royals teach homeless man how to prepare Pigeon! | Harry and Paul - BBC

  6. VIDEO HEY PAULA" Paul and Paula 1963 - HQ STEREO

  7. Windows 10 {FIXED} Why isnt my Taskbar being more obstructive?

    I need to have my taskbar at the top of my screen but is it possible to make it so I can not drag a window behind it? Several times I have had to autohide the task bar just to get at the window to drag it back again. Kind Regards, Paul
  8. Windows 8 Anyone else here waiting impatiently for ESO?

    Hi I've signed up for beta with 3 different accounts, but I haven't gotten in. I've heard that 3 million people signed up. I'm really looking forward to having something new to play. I've beta tested almost every major MMO since Asheron's Call but I may not get to do this one. I've played The...
  9. VIDEO Harry and Paul - Bad Uncle 2

  10. VIDEO Harry and Paul - Bad Uncle 1

  11. VIDEO Harry and Paul Angry Northerner | Very Ault Humour and Language = If you can understand it :P

  12. VIDEO Harry and Paul - Polish Cafe

  13. VIDEO Harry and Paul - Clarkson Island

  14. VIDEO Harry and Paul, Dragons Den - Hip Hop Halphabet

  15. Windows 7 Ping 88: Avatar Kinect, H.264, Bing Auto, Bye Bob,

    We're back! After a little Holiday Hiatus Laura and Paul have returned to bring you the hottest stories that Microsofties and pinging each other about. Some of this weeks items include: Avatar Kinect! Bing helps you get a new car Bye Bye Bob Link Removed Link Removed Link Removed
  16. I

    Windows 7 Win 7 Backup Failing - This Time It's Error 0x80780034

    Dell Studio XPS Laptop New April 2010 Win 7 Home Premium Intel i5 4 GB Ram Seagate Free Agent External HD 320GB of which 232GB is free I've now had four failed attempts to backup my computer to an external Seagate Free Agent HD. The third failure resulted in: "Backup encountered a problem...