pc performance

  1. J

    Windows 7 Windows Explorer crashes after every boot/restart

    Heloo friends new to this forum and this is my first post....... I am facing a strange problem and have been looking for a solution but cant find one........ My problem is..... whenever i boot my PC or restart it......it reaches the desktop and everything seems fine.......but the moment i try...
  2. B

    Windows 7 Windows 7 build 7068 crashing

    hey guys i have tried W7 when it was at 7000 and i still have the same issue with 7068. well hear whats going on i use to have that coprocessor issue that is fixed now but i still am getting crashing, i think it might be my video card because when i start to use a few programs at once like WMP...
  3. J

    Windows 7 coffee cups and recovery partitions

    ok i'm gonna try this again.... my last novel timed out and is floating around in space somewhere now. that smiley doesn't even begin to express my emotions about that..... You might want to Tarentino this one, my question is at the end and you could read backwards as information is needed...
  4. Windows 7 How to check your PC performance in detail .

    The assesment tool does not give any real indepth reasons for the mark it gives . Winsat will . Run this at the command prompt as administrator and the output txt file will show your performance in depth . winsat formal -v >> output.txt
  5. D

    Windows 7 Sound lockups in media center

    Hi all...first post here...great site BTW. ok...My problem is this: When I go to watch tv using Media center...all goes well...but after a bit...the sound will go crazy..meaining it will get all garbled, and then eventually stop working.I am using a creative Audigy 2z 5.1 the sound works fine...
  6. P

    Windows 7 Problems when installing.

    Ok, so i'll write the whole message again.... got a message saying the message was too short although i doubt it was... Well here it goes. Whenever i install some games like Mirror's Edge and Saints Row 2 my whole computer freezes. Everything except the music,progessbar and the mouse pointer...
  7. B

    Windows 7 boot up issue

    I have win 7 Beta installed on my PC. The problem I am having with it is when I press the power button on my PC about 10 seconds into it, I see a blank screen with the cursor blinking for about 3 minutes before I see starting windows screen and then it will take less than another minute until I...
  8. U

    Windows 7 WIndows 7 Upgrade Advisor

    Will there soon be a Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor or will there be one at all? I'd really like to know how Windows 7 would run on all my PC's.
  9. Windows 7 Freezing after login (normal boot), not freezing after login (safe mode)

    Hello everyone, This is my first post so please excuse any 'noob' questions. I recently downloaded Windows 7 Build 7000 and installed it to a partition on my laptop's hdd (dual booting WinXP SP3). Everything was going fine (for about 3 days) - and so i decided to setup Windows Media Centre with...
  10. U

    Windows Vista Windows Vista Business No Aero?

    I just installed Windows Vista Business on a new PC and I can't get Aero. Under "Windows Colors and Appearance" from the Personalization Menu all it shows me is Windows Vista Basic, Windows Standard, and Windows Classic color schemes. I'm running a 2.2 ghz PC with 2 gigs of RAM, with a genuine...
  11. T

    Windows Vista Vista Sound warbles intermittently

    Hi, From time to time while using Windows Media Player, and I click on another programme/option/icon, the machine freezes, the sound sticks as if it is a very fast CD stuck on a track creating a fast warbling noise. This last for about 3 to 5 seconds then there is a loud click in the PC case and...
  12. U

    Windows Vista 100% CPU Usage often

    Recently, and I am not sure if it has anything to do with windows updates taken to the system in similar time, my CPU Usage fan has been going crazy - and quite frequently. CPU memory usuage, 100% or thereabouts is the norm now. Anybody else experience this? Thanks in advance.
  13. V

    Windows Vista Windows Vista (x64) RC1 Display

    I have noticed when i resume from Standby on my PC that Windows Vista RC1 changes the Screen Resolution to the smallest. I have a ATI RADEON X800 GT Graphics Card. But as far as im aware Microsoft have made official support for this hardware so im taking this may be a Bug in Windows Vista RC1 ...