printer issues

  1. S

    Windows 7 cant print anything

    Whenever trying to print something to my Kodak 5300 the app crashes how can I print something using different driver?
  2. Windows Vista Cannot print screen

    I have difficulty printing when I press the Print screen button on my computer. I use Windows Vista and when I go to the help button they simply tell me to press the print screen button, but of course this doesn't work. I have a brand new Acer Aspire computer. The printer is fine and plugged in...
  3. I

    Windows Vista Slow printing, Word 2007 takes a long time to do so

    Whenever I try printing a Word 2007 document there is a 'Connecting to printer. Press ESC to cancel' message in the bottom corner. It takes 2-4 minutes for the print dialog box to pop up and another 2-4 minutes for the document to actually start printing. The printer is a shared HP Photosmart...
  4. U

    Windows Vista Unistalling Vista/Replacing Vista

    Now, Im guessing you've all heard of these questions and theres probably threads on this, But I am in need of dire help. We all know Vista is flawed and more around its graphical designer rather then its functionality and I've encounterd problems such as: -Random crashing with the use of...
  5. U

    Windows Vista Cannot connect to Network Printer with Vista

    I have a network printer (OKI C3200n) running on my home network. I can print wirelessly through my two XP laptops, but I am unable to successfully print to this printer using my new laptop which is running Vista (HP Pavilion dv200). I have configured the printer to connect via a local...