program conflicts

  1. F

    Windows 7 running multiple anti-malware programs like spyhunter4, 360 total security, and tweakbit pc suite 9

    I don't know if these programs cancel each other out or what. But I have used the different ones to get rid of different issues the other two didn't seem to catch. Can anyone tell me if this is going to cause more havoc than it's worth?
  2. GeneralHiningII

    Windows 7 Start Menu not accessible; network icon infintely repeating; can't access basic windows services.

    Problems on my friend's laptop, which I'm trying to fix. First problem. Boot up (~35 seconds) and I'm on desktop. Open Start Menu and click on a program (say for example, IE). It loads for a bit, then the icon on the taskbar disappears. Let's open a different program, Chrome. Loads for a bit...
  3. A

    Windows 7 unable to delete

    For some reason I can't delete or move or rename a .mkv file. It says "The action cannot be completed because the file is open in another program Close the file and try again" I've tried rebooting in safe mode and still get the same message. I was wanting to move this file to another drive...
  4. zvit

    Windows 7 DVD drive gets hooked by other program

    I have had this problem forever and no one at Adobe forums was able to figure it out so I thought maybe I'll ask here to search for a non-Adobe solution. When I use a program called Adobe Encore - for authoring and burning DVD's, while the program is working (it works for many hours on one...
  5. P

    Windows 7 An instance already running?

    I have just started receiving an error message which I had not previously encountered on boot up. It says, 'There is already an instance of Pidgin running'. Pidgin is my IM program and I have placed it into my Startup folder. I also run WinPatrol which shows that there are two instances of...