program execution

  1. Pemmons1

    Windows 7 Activating a program when files in a folder change?

    I would like to watch a certain folder and run a program ASAP when it receives any new files. It would seem to me that a service is the logical alert mechanism, but there doesn't seem to be an option in creating a service to trigger a program on that event. The program triggered can most...
  2. T

    Windows 10 How to open a file with a specific program from cmd

    Hello, I am trying to open a file [FILE] with a program [PROGRAM]. I have a shortcut of those two on my desktop. When i drag and drop [FILE] on top of [PROGRAM], it works as expected, meaning that [FILE] gets openend correctly by using [PROGRAM] to open it (Similarly to how you would drop a...
  3. Lylio

    Windows 10 Task Scheduler - how to run program on different drive?

    Hi, I'm trying to set up a task using Task Scheduler to run a game which is on one of my secondary drives, drive F: - I have Windows 10 installed on the C: drive. The problem I'm having is Task Scheduler doesn't seem able to start a program if it's on any drive except C: - I can create a task...
  4. News

    Time-Travel Debugging for JavaScript/HTML Applications | Marron

    Have you ever set a breakpoint a few statements too late, or accidentally stepped over the function call that you wanted to step into, and wished that you could just reverse-execute the program in the debugger? This video from Microsoft Research describes an experimental time-traveling debugger...
  5. M

    Windows 7 Shortcut problem and position

    Can i change a position of a shortcut on Windows 7 inside a folder that is been used as program execution place on the screen desktop? If yes then how? Also when i create a shortcut from a link on the internet, the shortcut has is own icon from the company on the internet but when i store it in...
  6. O

    Windows 7 Running program on another computer

    I have two windows 7 computers networked and would like to run a program, which is installed on computer 2, on computer 1 but don't really want to install it on computer 1. Is there a way of doing this through the network? Thank you
  7. News

    "The system cannot execute the specified program" error message and AppLocker incorrectly blocks app

    Fixes an issue in which AppLocker incorrectly prevents applications from running. This issue occurs on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. More...
  8. Q

    Windows 7 Can't run programs/ Can't access files - UAC big bug

    There is a BIG bug in UAC password prompts and "Run as Administrator"!!! Accessing files/folders Well, first problem is accessing other users' files/folders! Until recently I had only one Administrator User, but I created a Standard User for safer daily use. I have all my documents in the...
  9. carsten888

    Windows 7 when 'Run as administrator' just for that program or for whole session?

    when 'Run as administrator' just for that program or for whole session?
  10. R

    Windows 7 Passing parameters from a batch script to a program

    I have just installed a set of PERL programs that are invoked from batch files and the are passed a parameter line from the the batch script. They worked fine under XP but it appears altho the perl scripts work - they do not get the parameters. Has win7 changed the way batch files work?
  11. J

    Windows 7 Ai Yori Aoshi installer problem

    I want to install a PC game on Windows 7 RC that was meant for Windows XP or earlier. The game is called Ai Yori Aoshi and it is a Visual Novel from Hirameki International Group Inc., KID (Kindle Imagine Develop), and Anime Play. The problem is: I cannot install the game. I can run the...
  12. Z

    Windows Vista C++, how to temporarily gain admin rights?

    Hey guys, wondering if anyone can help. I know you can add some stuff to the manifest of an exe and it will throw up a UAC prompt as soon as the program is executed, but I was wondering is it possible to run an exe without admin rights (ie without the additions to the manifest file), but then...