
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Ma Cherie yamaha psr s750

  2. holdum333

    Windows 10 PSR Zip File-How To Use Macrium Relect!!

    Hi Creating this thread for my friends @MikeHawthorne and @BIGBEARJEDI whom are big fans for creating a back up image of your OS. This thread can be moved or deleted. Which ever is appropriate. I'm also a big fan of back up images. The best recovery you will ever have. Be sure to click on my...
  3. Basher

    Windows 7 Black Box for Windows 7

    Hey Guys n Gals, I have just found out about a program called Black Box or PSR "Problem Steps Recorder" If you didn't know about it type PSR in the globe search box and play - its something that could be useful for people to run and post when they are having problems. What do you think? Basher
  4. News

    Good Boot: Windows 7 PSR utility aids troubleshooting

    - Although I had not planned on hosting any Windows seminars this summer, because of the number of emails I've received from XPers asking me to... Link Removed - Invalid URL
  5. Super Sarge

    VIDEO A great tool (PSR) so W7 experts can help on this forum

    Windows 7 Problem Steps Recorder or PSR by Britec YouTube - Windows 7 Problem Steps Recorder or PSR by Britec How to use Problem Steps Recorder Tool in Windows 7 Problem Steps Recorder is a new miracle tool in Windows 7 for especially help desk or support engineers as well as software...
  6. Richie086

    Windows 7 Solving Windows 7 and Application problems quickly using Problem Steps Recorder (PSR)

    Awesome article I read over @ about the Problem Steps Recorder in Windows 7. It allows you to document a series of steps to help troubleshoot issues.:p Link Removed
  7. Radenight

    Windows 7 A very helpful Discovery..

    Hello gang! One of the best and brightest members of this wonderful forum recently brought to my attention a very interesting discovery within Windows 7.. This post is entirely Reghakr's words.. Any and all credit for this discovery goes to him. I'm posting this for him only because the option...
  8. O

    Windows 7 Using PSR to submit problems

    Microsoft implemented a wonderful feature in this version of Windows name PSR. This is basically a recording tool which allows user to submit the kind of problem/issues they are running into (if they can replicate it). My question is how come Microsoft isn't using this wonderful feature to look...