
  1. Ahmed Alzayani

    Windows 7 RTM will land in July/August?

    RTM will land in ... Now that Microsoft confirm that the public RC will land in May 5th (Leaked RC should come much sooner hopefully, some say by this week) , And we know from Microsoft that the RC will be available through June (from the leaked RC page) . So logically the RTM (7700?) will...
  2. SKJoy2001

    Windows 7 How to change the network type?

    Connecting to my Access Point (WEP, Shared Key) works fine, but the network type becomes PUBLIC in the Network and Sharing Center and I cannot change it, it is read only there! My computer is not part of a domain but a member of a workgroup. I need to change the network type for the above WiFi...
  3. Z

    Windows 7 network location

    i cant change my network location for my home nic (i have two nics, one for the adsl, one for the home network), it keeps defaulting to 'public' and wont let me change it to work or home, which causes me problem with the firewall, as i basically ahve to open up all the public settings to get...
  4. A

    Windows 7 internet help!!!

    I call upon those more intelligent than i to assist with my headache! I am loving the windows 7 system, moving straight from XP, but just a couple of niggles. Everytime i reboot my pc my internet connection dies and displays 'local connection only'. This is with both or either my wireless...
  5. kemical

    Windows 7 More on 7

    Microsoft has provided details on how the Windows 7 Beta process is progressing. It has also confirmed that Windows 7 Beta 1 will be the first and last public beta for Windows 7; the next milestone is Windows 7 Release Candidate. There is no new information on a release date for either the RC or...
  6. M

    Windows 7 Microsoft® Windowsâ„¢ 7 Public Beta 1 Build 6.1.7000.0.081212-1400(x86) Official-TESTED

    Microsoft® Windows™ 7 Public Beta 1 Build 6.1.7000.0.081212-1400(x86) - Official TESTED This DVD contains the following editions: Windows 7 Home Basic Windows 7 Home Premium Windows 7 Business Windows 7 Ultimate The beta will expire on July 1, 2009. INFO: ISO Name...
  7. Jimbo22

    Windows Vista Vista sp2

    I have herd a rumor of a beta version of sp2 for vista is being tested. Any body confrim this and if confirmed when is the release date for the GP.
  8. kemical

    Windows Vista SP2 Beta

    Microsoft has officially released the Link Removed for Technet subscribers. The major changes in SP2 are provided here. The date when SP2 will be released to the general public is still unknown.