
  1. N

    Windows 7 Update BrowserFlags and EditFlags in window7 registry via VB code

    Our application is in VB6 and environment is Window XP. We are using WebBrowser control to display data of Word doc files i.e. we are opening word files always inside the WebBrowser control.Our application send email to user with body as word files i.e we paste word file data into email body...
  2. December 2011 Bulletin Release Q&A and Slide Deck

    Hello, Today we published the December Security Bulletin Webcast Questions & Answers page. We fielded six questions on various topics during the webcast, including bulletins released, deployment tools, and update detection tools. For more details on this month’s bulletins, click here to...
  3. Ponder

    PONDER •I used to eat a lot of natural foods until I learned that most people die of natural causes. •There are two kinds of pedestrians: the quick and the dead. •Life is sexually transmitted. •Healthy is merely the slowest possible rate at which one can die. •The only difference between a...
  4. M

    Windows 7 Windows 7 32-bit and 64-bit

    Hey, I want to ask you something. Few days ago I've changed my Windows 7 32-bit to Windows 7 64-bit, but i think it's much slower. Also my score was something like 4,2 and now it's 3,0. Maybe my laptop configuration doesn't support Windows 7 64-bit very well? Here are my laptop specifications...
  5. Q&A from the October 2011 Security Bulletin Webcast

    Hello, Today we published the Link Removed due to 404 Error. We fielded eight questions across all bulletins. There was one question that we were unable to answer during the webcast due to time constraints, and we have included all questions and answers on the Q&A page. We invite our customers...
  6. Suggestions for asking a question on help forums

    Provides help and suggestions for posting questions to forums or newsgroups. Suggests ways to format questions to improve increase the results from forums. Link Removed - Invalid URL
  7. Windows 7 Deployment Question and Answer

    This Advisory Services scenario is designed to assist customers who are in the proactive planning stages of an operating system deployment and would like to work through their plans with our team and address questions they have encountered in the... Link Removed
  8. What do you use windows7 forunms for?

    what you use windows 7 for?
  9. C

    Windows 7 Hdmi-Winamp-Flac ?

    Goodeevening everyone.I was wondering is HDMI good enough to transport audio that it is worth downloading in FLAC and is there any alternative to WINAMP i have only had pc since 2005 so i have a lot of questions who to others sound stupid. Any advice will be recieved with thanks.Kind Regards...
  10. Windows Update Forum? Just and Idea

    Wanted to get an opinion from Mike & everyone if it would be a good idea to create a "Windows Update" Forum? We seem to sometimes mostly near patch Tuesday question/problems about windows updates. Even posting a "warning" ahead of time about a problem you may have encountered with a update...
  11. Q&A From the August 2011 Security Bulletin Webcast

    Hello, Today we published the Link Removed due to 404 Error. We fielded six questions on various topics during the webcast, including bulletins released and the Malicious Software Removal Tool. There was one question that we were unable to answer during the webcast due to time constraints, and...
  12. Neighbors Want Answers About Low-Flying Plane

    MARIETTA, Ga. -- A low-flying airplane has buzzed a Marietta neighborhood four days in a row, and no one seems to know who it belongs to. Read Full Story and view video: Link Removed due to 404 Error
  13. Gentoo on Virtual Box

    This is my first taste of Virtual Box. I am installing Gentoo and I wanted to know if I have to have my VTx hardware vitalization enabled for this to run correctly. Any one know?
  14. Q&A From July 2011 Security Bulletin Webcast

    Hello, Today we published the Link Removed due to 404 Error. We fielded thirteen questions on various topics during the webcast, including bulletins released, deployment tools, and update detection tools. There were two questions during the webcast that we were unable to answer and we have...
  15. I

    Windows 7 Spybot questons

    Having recently (been about 6 months) switched from mac to PC, I have culture shock when it comes to spyware and viruses and the like. A friend recommended Spybot when I was having some problems after a download. So it seemed to help - and I did a disk cleanup. My questions are: 1) opinions on...
  16. About the Knowledge Base Forum

    JUNE 23, 2011 -- (NOW WINDOWSFORUM.COM) is proud to announce the knowledge base (KB) addition to our support forums. Use the syndicated knowledge base directly from, using Really Simple Syndication (RSS) to find the answers to common support questions and new...
  17. Q&A from June 2011 Security Bulletin Webcast

    Hello, Today we published the Link Removed due to 404 Error. We fielded fifteen questions on various topics during the webcast, including bulletins released and the Malicious Software Removal Tool. There were two questions during the webcast that we were unable to answer, and we have included...
  18. Windows 7 Kinect for Windows SDK Beta Launch on Channel 9 Live

    Channel 9 and Microsoft Research are excited to announce the Kinect for Windows SDK Beta available to download at Link Removed To mark the launch we've hosted a 24 hour CodeCamp on the Microsoft campus in Redmond, Washington. Fueled by coffee and pizza, 30 lucky developers were given a Kinect...
  19. Windows 7 Join Us Tomorrow For A Special Channel 9 Live Kinect Event

    The Channel 9 team will be broadcasting live from the Channel 9 studios for a special Kinect focused event tomorrow, June 16th 2011 from 9:30AM PST. Head to tomorrow, June 16th 2011, at 9:30AM PST for a live and interactive broadcast featuring the Kinect sensor. As...
  20. Windows 7 Herb Sutter: C++ Questions and Answers

    Link Removed was a relatively short chat with me about C++0x. You wanted more questions asked and some of you thought I was just too soft on Herb. Well, Herb decided that the best way to get the questions you want asked is, well, to have you ask them. Most of the highest user-rated questions...