
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump Becomes The Least Popular President In Record Breaking Time

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Amy Klobuchar: Donald Trump ‘Has A Tendency To Say Things That Aren’t True’ | For The Record | MSNBC

  3. whoosh

    VIDEO The Hardest Mandelbrot Zoom in 2016 - New record, 750 000 000 iterations!

  4. whoosh

    VIDEO The Hardest Mandelbrot Zoom Ever In 2014,10^198 : New record - 350 000 000 iterations

  5. whoosh

    VIDEO Fastest Man in the World !

    :zoned: :up:
  6. whoosh

    VIDEO AMAZING VIDEO: Man Lifts 20 Ton Block By Hand

    :zoned: :shocked:
  7. whoosh

    VIDEO Cleaning a Record with Wood Glue

  8. Win10Customs

    how i can record my desktop??

    how i can record my desktop?? tell me
  9. whoosh

    VIDEO KGB Agent Record of Alien Races [Leaked]

  10. uniqueguy35Egypt

    Windows 7 OK! A weird issue with recordig videos!

    I have a windows7 Ultimate SP1 as just have these issues which is so weird. I can't record videos right. I tried to use these settings to work it out. I can't record audio as no matter what i do i can't record audio through my machine. I attached pics of the program that i use i recording videos...
  11. uniqueguy35Egypt

    Windows 7 Sound record issue i have after updating,echoes when listen to Realtech sound as well!!

    I have a laptop Compaq CQ58 I3 with 3110M CPU 2,40ghz. 4GB memory Ram and 64Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 and operating system was doing fine until did the update of windows sound drive system thing. I used to record from my screen the songs and videos and all. I noticed that i can still record videos...
  12. L

    Windows 8 Windows Surface Pro 2

    Is there an external USB type temp. sensor I can purchase for the pro 2. I'am trying to set up my tablet to use in my job as facility engineer which requires me to take floor temp reading as well as record information done on preventative maint. tasks on equipment such as water source heat...
  13. whoosh

    VIDEO Sports Science: "World Record Kick to the Groin" Part 1 & 2

    :p :confused:
  14. whoosh

    Melody Beals singing her latest song : One Thing

    One Thing by Melody Beals on SoundCloud - Create, record and share your sounds for free
  15. whoosh

    VIDEO Prefab Sprout - Steve McQueen (Full Album)

  16. whoosh

    VIDEO US Army Wing Suit Record

  17. MikeHawthorne

    Windows 7 FreeCell Brag!!!

    Hi This is a new record for me.... FreeCellScore.jpg picture by nohjekim - Photobucket I would have pasted in the image but I'm having a lot of problems with this forum lately. It won't let me cut and paste or put in images? I'm having problems in both IE and Chrome! I'm not seeing these...
  18. C

    Windows 7 Virtualisation - No External Sound

    [Win-7 Pro 64-bit with free XP-Pro virtual machine] I have set up a VM. It was working fine yesterday apart from the networking which I now have operative. However: Yesterday the attached USB soundcard was working fine when activated for both playback and record. Today it isn't. It is...
  19. J

    Windows 7 Numerous updates failed

    Until now I did not know that Windows 7 keeps a record of successful and failed updates. I see that many updates have failed in the past although there was no indication of this at the time. Should I be worried? I should think it would take many hours to fix them all, time I do not have...
  20. whoosh

    VIDEO Biggest Oversize Load Ever Caught
