
  1. News

    Predictions for 2014 and the December 2013 Security Bulletin Webcast, Q&A, and Slide Deck

    Today we’re publishing the Link Removed. We answered 17 questions in total, with the majority of questions focusing on the Graphics Component bulletin (MS13-096), Security Advisory 2915720 and Security Advisory 2905247. We also wanted to note a new blog on the Microsoft Security Blog site on...
  2. whoosh

    'Melt-through' at Fukushima? / Govt report to IAEA suggests situation worse than meltdown

    Nuclear fuel in three reactors at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant has possibly melted through pressure vessels and accumulated at the bottom of outer containment vessels, according to a government report obtained Tuesday by The Yomiuri Shimbun. A "melt-through"--when melted nuclear fuel...
  3. whoosh

    Stabilizing reactors by year's end may be impossible: Tepco

    The confirmation of core meltdowns hitting reactors 1 through 3, accompanied by breaches to the critical pressure vessels that hold the nuclear fuel, has led officials to believe that "there will be a major delay to work" to contain the situation, one official said. Tepco, the plant's...
  4. whoosh

    AP Exclusive: Fukushima tsunami plan a single page

    TOKYO (AP) — Japanese nuclear regulators trusted that the reactors at Fukushima Dai-ichi were safe from the worst waves an earthquake could muster based on a single-page memo from the plant operator nearly a decade ago. In the Dec. 19, 2001 document — one double-sized page obtained by The...
  5. whoosh

    U.S. regulator saw serious Fukushima fuel damage soon after disaster

    NEW YORK (Kyodo) -- A senior official of the U.S. nuclear regulatory agency said Thursday he had believed there was a "strong likelihood" of serious core damage and core melt in reactors at the Fukushima nuclear plant in the days after the March disaster in Japan. "There were numerous...
  6. whoosh

    VIDEO Fukushima Reactor Catastrophe

  7. cybercore

    Japanese Plant Starts Installation of Filters

    TOKYO—A project to install air filters to reduce airborne radiation at the No. 1 reactor building of the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear complex began Monday, in a move aimed at allowing workers to enter the building for the first time since the start of the crisis to make needed repairs...
  8. whoosh

    VIDEO Fukushima still a threat: senior officials

  9. whoosh

    VIDEO US Nuclear Experts Offer Dire Predictions For Japanese Fukushima Nuke Plant

  10. whoosh

    VIDEO 7.5 MILLION x legal limit of RADIATION leaking into OCEAN from Fukushima

  11. whoosh

    VIDEO Radioactive Water To Be Dumped Into The Ocean!!!!!!

    So now they are not even bothering to try to store the radioactive water just dump it straight into the ocean !
  12. whoosh

    EPA to raise "safe" limits | You will always be safe however much you are raidated !

    previously wrote about how the Federal Government decided to wait almost 2 weeks to inform the public that Link Removed. There is now news that what was originally reported as only tiny, harmless, minuscule amounts is now being detected at levels several thousand percent greater than what is...
  13. cybercore

    Police Discover $1 Million Worth of Drugs in Toronto Pizza Parlor

    Note to drug dealers: If you're masking illegal operations behind a pizza parlor, make sure customers actually leave the premises with food. In Toronto last week, police shuttered a downtown pizza restaurant after they found more than $1 million of marijuana and other drugs on site...
  14. whoosh

    VIDEO Auto-Tune the News #4: spa regulation. serbians. sotomayor

  15. Celestra

    Group Calls For Anti Trust Probe Into Google Search, Ad Practices

    April 21, 2010 More Woes For Google !!
  16. kemical

    The Internet is a basic human right

    The Internet is a basic human right Link Removed due to 404 Error Link Removed due to 404 Error Written by Link Removed due to 404 Error Monday, 08 March 2010 11:18 Most of the world believes More than 80 per cent of the world believe that access to the internet is a fundamental right...
  17. R

    Windows 7 Browser Choice Screen update for Europeans users only

    Browser Choice Screen update for Europeans users only: Link Removed i don't understand why the EU is making microsoft do this. hopefully it doesn't happen in the usa. anyway somebody has already started a petition to microsoft to not do it: