
  1. M

    Windows 10 Outlook and browser email

    Outlook and a browser will show the same emails unless altered. I had an issue at work where emails were sent using Outlook with our network accounts. One person tried to delete a comment they made that might get them fired. My browser shows that they deleted the reply. My .pst file still shows...
  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Replying to Comments: AMD Likely Blocks DLSS (Angry Fanboy Edition)

  3. J

    Windows 10 Don’t Get Scared First, Check the Posting Date

    We have had a number of old posts, including security alerts, reappear as though they are new. Please check the date of the post thread before responding. The Tapatalk team is working to repair the glitch.
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Trump hands over responses to Robert Mueller's team

  5. MikeHawthorne

    Anyone feel that searching the net is harder than it used to be?

    Hi Recently I've become more and more disturbed by how many idiotic responses I get when I search for things. It seems that I used to be able to zero in on what I wanted quickly. Now I seem to get responses that have absolutely nothing to do with what I searched for. I arrive at a page that...
  6. News

    Windows 8 Less than half of British web users want Windows 8

    A new survey of British web users has shown a less than stellar appetite for the new Windows 8 operating system. Toluna QuickSurveys received 2,000 responses from a broad internet survey of Britons and found that only 13.5 per per cent said they were 'very likely' to upgrade to the new Microsoft...
  7. News

    Untrusted Certificate Store to be updated

    Hi everyone, This post is to notify customers that Microsoft will revoke trust in an Intermediate Certificate Authority, DigiCert Sdn. Bhd. (Digicert Malaysia) in an update to be released through Windows Update. DigiCert Sdn. Bhd is a Malaysian subordinate CA under Entrust and Verizon (GTE...
  8. zvit

    Forum Suggestion to improve helping people

    It would be nice if windows7forums had a rule like on other help forums, where if your problem is solved, you must edit the subject of your original post and add the word [SOLVED] in it so people can easily see which problems were solved. (Or you can make a button for the post starter to click...
  9. H

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Question

    Hi, I am attempting to upgrade a Vista Computer to Windows 7. My manager has provided me with an OEM Version of Windows 7. Is it true that you cannot upgrade to Windows 7 from Vista using OEM? Thanks for any responses, Hoogeebear.