software tools

  1. kemical

    Windows 7 Troubleshooting Windows 7 With Microsoft's Built-In Tools

    Firefox on Windows 7 had been behaving...oddly. The app would simply stop working and exit to the desktop. Yet, parts of the Firefox kernel would remain in memory, making it impossible to restart the application without firing up Task Manager and manually killing the process. It happened a half...
  2. Mike

    Fundamental Ways to Maintain Your System

    Many users have expressed discontent with their computer. It is running slow. You're finding popups everywhere. Something is wrong. Its taking 20 minutes to boot. Here's what I recommend for most systems that have been in use for over a year, but have never had any IT maintenance performed...
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Windows 7: Problem Steps Recorder : Video

    Takes you through the advantages of using the steps recorder :D
  4. V

    Windows 7 Deleting old Partition

    I am currently running XP as my main OS on one partition but I also have Windows 7 Beta on a separate partition on the same hard drive. Right now I cannot currently access Windows 7 when booting up, I have no clue why that is as I used to be able to do that. What I want to do is delete the...
  5. I

    Windows Vista Vista Program Compatibility Assistant and User Account Control Tool

    I had a problem running an application in Vista packaged as self extracting archive. After quitting the application I'd get a Program Compatibility Assistant message reporting the application was incorrectly installed. This got to be annoying considering there is no install with the application...