
  1. whoosh

    VIDEO Your Glands are the Chakras

  2. whoosh

    VIDEO Snatam Kaur - Long Time Sun

    :peace: :worship: :heart:
  3. whoosh

    VIDEO Bruce Lipton - Conscious vs the Subconscious

    :eek: :wound:
  4. whoosh

    VIDEO Ram Dass and Nirinjan Kaur Sing "Namo Namo (Sat Nam)"

    :cool: :peace:
  5. whoosh

    VIDEO 1 God and the Brain - The Persinger 'God Helmet'

  6. whoosh

    VIDEO The Sacred Body. Kundalini, Subtle bodies, Chi, Yoga, and the

  7. whoosh

    VIDEO Ancient Essenes, Facinating Stuff

  8. whoosh

    VIDEO The Kundalini of Bipolar Disorder

    :eek: :up:
  9. whoosh

    VIDEO Why YOU Think you are JESUS: The Spiritual 'Delusions' of

    :eek: :peace:
  10. whoosh

    VIDEO The Importance of Being Extraordinary - Spiritual Teachers

    :razz: :eek:
  11. whoosh

    VIDEO Sat Chit Ananda

    :cool: :fdance: :peace:
  12. whoosh

    VIDEO Kundalini - A Spiritual Blessing Or A Trap? Proper

  13. whoosh

    VIDEO What Is God?

    :cool: :peace:
  14. whoosh

    VIDEO Spiritual Awakening Ordeals and Initiations

    :cool: :peace:
  15. whoosh

    VIDEO His Holiness the Dalai Lama Meets Russell Brand

    :eek: :peace: :worship:
  16. whoosh

    VIDEO Deepak Chopra on - Jesus: Story of Enlightenment

    :up: :peace:
  17. whoosh

    VIDEO Deepak Chopra Class on the Mystery of Consciousness

  18. seekermeister


    Here is a prayer worthy of one's attention, whether one believes in God or not: God grant me the serenity To accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, And wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time Enjoying one moment at a time Accepting hardships...
  19. Pauli

    The multitude of existence in Universe - true or not?

    Well, this could be the thread to propose and discuss any spiritual or religious matters, as well as earthly ones. And, issues about aliens and extraterrestrials are allowed to be discussed. Mike gave me some inspiration here. I hope anyone participating will honor and respect views of others...
  20. whoosh

    VIDEO Darryl Anka (Bashar): It's NOT Law of Attraction
