
  1. S

    Looking for software

    Hey all I'm looking for some software that I can enter some questions into and then have it test me on them questions at a later date for a revision method. Is there any software available that can do this? Thanks
  2. VIDEO Why Do the Swiss Eat So Much Chocolate?

    A new study in The New England Journal of Medicine shows that a country's Link Removed with the number of Nobel Prizes its citizens win. According to the author’s calculations, Switzerland consumes the most chocolate and ranks second behind Sweden in laureates per capita. (The author accuses the...
  3. VIDEO 2 American Doctors Inspect Presumed Alien Skeleton

    :zoned: :andwhat:
  4. VIDEO Stanford Prison Experiment

    The Stanford Prison experiment by Zimbardo matches only the breakthrough of the Milgram obedience test. In Milgram's test, humans were led to giving a fake patient a fatal electric shock. The shock wasn't real, so the people involved in the study thought they were doing it. Only around 10-15%...
  5. Looking For Some Advice On Purchasing An Android Or Windows Tablet.

    Currently I'm attending college and I'm looking for a tablet that I can carry with me that has the following features. Ability to display my e-text books. I should be able to convert them all to a pdf, so I really just need it to display pdfs well. Full internet experience. Browser + Flash +...
  6. [Study] Marijuana Shrinks Parts of Brain

    A study of brain scans show that heavy pot smoking can shrink parts of the brain, according to researchers in the Link Removed due to 404 Error Archives of General Psychiatry. Men who smoked at least five marijuana cigarettes daily for 20 years were shown to have a diminished hippocampus and...
  7. How to gain influence on Twitter?

    Lots of Twitter users have lots of followers. For instance, according to Twitaholic right now Lady Gaga has over 9.2 million; Justin Bieber has over 8.6 million; and Britney Spears, over 7.3 million -- just slightly ahead of Barack Obama. But Link Removed shows that simply having a large...
  8. VIDEO 7.5 MILLION x legal limit of RADIATION leaking into OCEAN from Fukushima

  9. Study: Android tops smartphone market - Windows 7 to pass iPhone

    San Francisco - Global smartphone sales will soar 50 per cent this year compared to 2010, with Google's Android set to extend its lead as the world's most popular operating system for the devices, according to a study released Tuesday by research group IDC. Link Removed
  10. Can data stored on an SSD be secured?

    Study finds the task to be very difficult; overwriting or crypto-erasure seem the best methods for sanitizing SSDs Until a university study emerged last week, few experts suspected that it's more difficult to erase data stored on solid-state drives (SSD) than that on hard disk drives (HDDs)...
  11. Parrots tend to be "left handed," study finds

    Link Removed due to 404 Error Parrots, like humans, choose to use one side of their body more than the other, with more of them left handed -- or, more precisely, left footed than anything else. Some species even try out both before deciding on one side. Australian researchers found...
  12. J

    Windows 7 A novel WM prototype for Windows 7 - Looking for study participants

    Hello, I am looking for participants to take part in a study that aims to evaluate a novel scalable and tiling window manager. If you have a machine running a 32 bit version of Windows 7 and you might be interested to take part in the study, sign up at ...
  13. Flying snakes' secret revealed

    Link Removed Link Removed The snake dangles 49 feet (15 meters) off the ground, tail entwined around a branch. Suddenly, the animal rears up and launches, flinging its body toward the forest floor. In other reptiles, the leap would be suicidal, or at least an invitation for broken...
  14. A

    Windows 7 [SOLVED] Dual monitor flashes/blinks W7 when folders opened

    I have windows 7 in dual monitor mode and both screens flash/blink momentarily a couple of times when ever I open up a windows explorer folder for instance from a hard drive. Kind of annoying when your trying to study and revising information on your hard drive. It is accompanied by a delayed...
  15. IT managers share experiences of Windows 7 migration, one year after its launch

    A year on from the launch of Microsoft Windows 7, in a study commissioned by Symantec, 1,360 IT managers across the globe have shared their experiences and provided advice for their peers looking to make the move. Link Removed due to 404 Error
  16. I-Doser Definitely Fake, Says Fancy Researcher

    :p Link Removed - Invalid URLOur long national dilemma is finally over: A researcher, who was a guest recently on NPR, has proven finally, once and for all, that Digital I-Dosers don't make kids high. Granted, anyone with a quarter of a brain could have told you that, but here's what she said...
  17. How To

    Practice , years of study :)