system problem

  1. D

    Windows 10 My all programs are showing, help!

    The Windows 10 update went fine expect when I open start menu my all programs are opened. Please tell me there's a way to minimize them.. Also the update deleted Ccleaner. lol wtf
  2. O

    Windows 7 Windows 7 reports Kaspersky Problem but I do not have it installed on my PC - any insight?

    I have Windows 7 64 bit and the Action Center reports Kaspersky Problems, but I do not have it installed on my PC (see below) - why would this be and should i do anything about it? --- any insight? *** Just did a full Virus scan and no virus found *** Using MS Security Essentials = ON *** MS...
  3. R

    Windows 7 Two Windows 7 computers, one can't save files directly to C drive?

    Before I go into detail, I understand that saving things to the C drive, whether it be by a user or a program, can generally be a bad idea. I have two computers currently running Windows 7. -On both computers, I use an account with administrator privileges -On both computers UAC is set at...
  4. V

    Windows 7 Strange Windows 7(RC1) Problem

    This happened on another computer, so I thought it might've just been the computer itself, but now it's doing it on a brand new computer. What's the problem? Well, here's what happens. Whenever I turn my computer on, and it didn't do this for a long time, it just started doing it recently, I...
  5. TheSnake

    Windows 7 Please help me before I go insane.

    I'm running Window 7, build 7600 I believe. Here are my problems: 1.) Recently I've been having this problem where explorer doesn't refresh--sometimes. For example, when I delete or move an item, it doesn't change on the screen until I manually refresh with F5. Sometimes this happens...