thumb drives

  1. D

    Windows 7 HP Device manager issue

    A while back I uninstalled HP client security and HP device access manager, ever since I done that I can no longer access USB device such as thumb drives or external hard drives. I tried reinstalling both, client security installs but now won't uninstall... HP device Access Manger errors out...
  2. E

    Windows 8 Code 38 Error. Window Driver USBSTOR.sys

    My Win 8 x64 desktop suddenly stopped recognizing USB storage devices (Thumb Drives & 2 External HDD). When working through Device manager, all show yellow exclamation marks and working through properties, all say "Windows cannot load the device driver for this hardware because a previous...
  3. How to stop?

    I have several external Drives Thumb Drives plugged in at all times on my computer, about 8 of them.. Every time I boot into my version of mint the latest stable version. All my plugged in drives start up after I boot in to the oS. My Question is how do I stop this? All answers will be appreciated.
  4. Windows 8 to feature USB-runnable Portable Workspaces, sales of 16GB thumb drives set

    There are endless flavors of "Linux on a stick," tasty downloadable versions of that OS which run from removable storage and let you take Linus' progeny for a spin without dedicating any of your partitions to the cause. There have been ways of making this work with Windows , too, but now...
  5. C

    Windows 7 Neforce 2 USB

    Hello I'm having a problem with win7 not seeing files on thumb drives or any external hard drives? I do have the updated driver for for Nforce 2 chipset it does pick up all my input devices no problem, but not mass storage devices.
  6. M

    Windows Vista USB Failure

    Upgraded to Vista from XP Home, all was good in the world for a day or so (except the iTunes issues already widely discussed). All at once the USB ports on my Gateway ceased to recognize anything plugged into them. They still provide power, but cannot be used for input. So my printer, thumb...