user introduction

  1. P

    Windows 7 Winmail stopped, cannot set up mail accounts in any program

    Hi, first of all I'd like to introduce my self on the forum, hope will find lots of good stuff and knowlegeble people that will help. I have HPG62 with 4GB, and Pentium T4500, win7 Home Premium SP1 64Bit, using standard windows firewall and Avira free antivirus. Since mid december 2016 my...
  2. A

    Windows 7 Deleted files keep coming back

    Hi everyone. I'm new here. This is my first post. I have a pretty extensive background with computers and using Windows since Windows 3.1 back in the early 1990's but I have a problem now with my Windows 7 PC that I can't figure out. There is a folder on my desktop that keeps coming back...
  3. X

    Windows 7 Frequent BSOD multiple causes

    Hi guys, I'm new here so I'll introduce myself If you dont care for introductions, skip it I'm just doing it as a formality =) ***** I'm 25 years old, and have been using computers as a hobby for more than half my life. As a teenager I never had owned a brand new computer, always received...
  4. kellyjdrummer

    Windows 7 Real Player starts on it's own whenever it wants to.

    OK, first off, I looked around for a new member Introduction board, but didn't see anything close to it. So, I'm Kelly, glad to be here and thanks for having me. Now on to the meat of this thread. I've had my new HP laptop for about a month and a half and can't whine about it other than, as...