video software

  1. A

    Video editing software required

    Hi, I have a lengthy video clip I want to cut into smaller clips, I have kdenlive installed however I am not sure if it wants to re-render the clips into new files, I just want to copy and paste certain parts of the video into smaller videos, can anyone recommend anything? Thanks in advance.
  2. Emperor Norton I

    Windows 8 Movie Maker Live issues

    I've been using Movie Maker to edit videos I've taken with my iPhone. All I do is cut out dead air, and divide files into two for YouTube upload. All this has been just fine. However, lately I've been running into a really odd and frustrating problem. I'll open up my video file with Movie...
  3. N

    Windows 7 Sony Vegas Pro 11 Grey screens

    Recently I noticed this problem from Sony Vegas Pro 11 (latest version..its updated ) after a month or so not opening it as i was not editing any video then right now i opened it then inserted video's etc and transitions but when i open prompts its all grey screen just like in the screen shot i...
  4. P

    Windows 7 mp4 video files

    Hello I have Win 7 x 64 Home Premium, i5, 6 GB This Dell came preloaded with Roxio 10.3 and when I imported my Flip camera's MP4 video files it converted and burned dvds easily. I had to reinstall the o.s and even though Dell sent a Roxio disc, they were unable to install it. Two were tried and...
  5. kemical

    DivX Update

    The DivX video software has been updated to Version 8.1.1. Link Removed due to 404 Error
  6. J

    Windows 7 Movie Maker 2.6 Enhancement pack - HELP!

    I have Windows 7 and I created a movie using movie maker 2.6. Once I was finished editing, after 30+ hours, movie maker wouldn't let me save as a movie - apparently Windows 7 isn't supported by it. I found the movie maker 2.6 enhancement pack. If I download this, will I be able to take my...
  7. B

    Windows 7 BSOD and unable to boot

    My system is an ASUS P6T with 12 gb of memory and an EVGA 250 graphics card with 1 GB memory. System was running fine with Vista Business x 64. I upgraded to Windows 7 Pro x64 [there were several hic cups during the upgrade process, but I finally got by them]. Running RAID 1 with Intel...
  8. T

    Windows 7 Magix software incompatable

    All my Magix software will not install on W7....(its all ok on Vista).... Titles Include ..... Magix Samplitude Music Studio 15 :mad: Magix Music Maker 15 :mad: Magix Video 14 :mad: The error states among other things.....Windows version not supported I contacted Magix...
  9. doublea

    Windows 7 Screen Capture Video Software?

    Cam Studio is not working on win7, I want to record some screen captures, so i can post my video reviews of win 7. Any other programs that someone know works. Thanks.