xbox live

  1. HTC 7 Trophy Windows 7 Phone: Official Specifications, Details

    On to our third featured handset in HTC's initial batch of Windows 7 Phones -- Enter a new level of gaming experience with HTC 7 Trophy . With its high-performance 1GHz Snapdragon processor and vivid WVGA 3.8" touchscreen display, this phone harnesses the power of Xbox LIVE and delivers the...
  2. Windows 7 New DLC For Supreme Commander 2

    Gas Powered Games have released their Infinite War Battle Pack DLC for Steam and Xbox Live . The PC version of the pack will cost £7/€10, and it’ll have new units, maps, and sexy changes to the research tree. The Xbox version just has slightly smaller versions of the maps, and no new...
  3. Windows 7 Ping 71: Windows Phone 7 & Xbox LIVE, Flight Sim, Facebook, Messenger, MENLO

    Link RemovedIt's a blast from the past this week as*Link Removed joins us in the Ping studio. Max may be a*Stanford scholar these days, but he still can't hide the fact that he's a 'Softie through and through. Here's the top news: Link Removed Link Removed Xbox LIVE and Windows Phone 7 Link...
  4. C

    Windows 7 Problem Removing Gadget

    I Installed a gadget called Xbox Live Gamercard, but when I uninstall the gadget it is still on my desktop even thought I uninstalled the gadget, so how do I remove it? Link Removed
  5. K

    Windows 7 Windows 7 ICS issues

    I had a working computer with Windows XP and was a heavy user of the ICS function. Windows XP's ICS worked like a dream while Windows 7's (and Vista also) ICS is downright terrible, either that or I did something wrong. I have a USB based internet connection (a 3G Wirelsss Mobile Broadband to...
  6. M

    Windows 7 Trouble connecting to xbox live through laptop

    Hi, i tried many different things to connect my laptop to my xbox 30 to play online. Ive pretty much tried everything and I still need some help. Someone please help me Thanks
  7. A

    Windows 7 Xbox 360 Connection Bridging.

    So, I followed all the steps of the Vista guide and it's basically the same thing as the 7 guide. But, after I bridge the connections, my 360 doesn't connect to Xbox Live. Please help.
  8. W

    Windows 7 How to bridge wireless connection through laptop to xbox live?

    I was able to bridge a wireless connection through my laptop to my xbox 360 with vista but with windows 7 it doesn't seem to work. Anyone know why?
  9. J

    Windows 7 Windows 7 bridge for Xbox Live

    heyy im new here and i think windows 7 is good but i cannot seem to bridge my xbox live connection to my pc through the wireless i have bridged and nothing then selected them to share internet connections but i cannot get my xbox to pick up the net now :( on vista its fine but i was wondering if...
  10. T

    Gamertags Steam/Xbox Live etc

    Post your gamertags? Xbox Live: iowntheEARTH Assassins Creed, Forza 2, COD 4 BF2: Craven-Image Steam Friends: hehimanoob CS: S, Garrysmod, HL2
  11. X

    Windows Vista Error Code 80070103

    I'm running Vista Ultimate RC1 on my pc and just purchased the Xbox Live web camera for my Xbox 360 and I can also use it on my pc however I can't get the necessary hardware to install for it using Windows Update or device manager. This is the code I get when using Windows Update 80070103. Can...