
  1. Curious

    Windows 11 Using Command Xcopy

    Hello, I need to copy all files in 6 diretories to another device using only one diretory but with all files the files only. Idon't want to replicate the original directiories in the new directory. On the files belonging the original directories. Because if I use /s he copies all the original...
  2. ehj

    How to run this Bat file on Windows 10 64Bits?

    Friends, I need to find a way to run this Bat on Win 10 64bits or some other solution. A user has always used the Bat below to copy changes from a Clipper program to another PC on the Network that uses the same Program. This is the Flow he uses. On his PC he makes the changes and runs Bat to run...
  3. S

    Windows 10 Backing up a crashed system from the recovery console (or what10 calls the command line)

    I have a system that refuses to boot to Windows 10 Professional (64-bit), and I think I need to do a reinstall. The advanced boot options is available, but it will not go into safe mode. I can however get the command line, and it recognizes both robocopy and xcopy. Assume that C is the hard...
  4. T

    Windows XP kb314843 and kb236621 questions

    Link Removed I experimented with these 2 procedures and the instructions for moving the entire contents of the folder is flawed. Even as Administrator you cannot copy or move the ntuser.dat files in Network services & Local services. What can be done if you want to move or copy the directory...
  5. Eawedat

    Windows 7 Batch File: works under cmd-Windows , NOT under MS-DOS

    I made these codes to backup files : set p=C:\Users\ for/f %%a in('dir C:\Users\ /b') do ( if not"%%a"=="Public", ( set fileDest=C:\Backup-%%a_%date:~7,2%.%date:~4,2%.%date:~10,4% If Not Exist"%fileDest%" mkdir "%fileDest%"set"fullPath=%p%%%a%" xcopy "%fullPath%"%fileDest%/e /h /y /k rem call...
  6. -null-

    Windows 7 Copy certain files using command prompt recreating folder structure

    At the moment I am using an xcopy command to copy all files with a certain extension to another folder. As the number of files in this folder increases I'd like to organise them into sub folders and have the directory structure mirrored. However I don't want the entire folder contents copied...
  7. D

    Windows 7 Copying a folder occasionally to a backup hard disk

    I have a folder that I'd like to periodically mirror to an external hard disk. How can I easily copy the source to the target, deleting files now deleted in the source, updating files that have been changed in the source, and adding new files to the destination. Would an XCOPY with the...
  8. J

    Windows 7 XCopy Function - Permissions Issue?

    This was resolved. Sorry
  9. M

    Windows 7 Temp staging files for copying later-folder pointers

    I have a lot of directories that need to be transported via USB drive later (the files/folders vary each time). I want the files to remain in their original location, but have some kind of folder or structure where I can group the folders so that when I need to copy them, it is a simple matter...
  10. G

    Windows 7 XCOPY doesn't backup "Share with nobody" folders - help?!

    I have a computer in an office setting with a number of users. Each user has one folder on a "Data" partition which is set to "share with nobody" for their privacy. I'm trying to write a script to backup these folders, but these "private" folders aren't copied over. My script is a one-liner...
  11. celticbhoy

    Windows 7 netbook wont turn on

    i just used xcopy to get a usb disk setup to install on my aspire one when i booted from the usb drive everything seemed to be working ok so i tried to close the install down until i got to work. On shutting it just hung so after 5 mins or so i pulled the battery. Now it wont switch on - when i...