xp partition

  1. Windows 7 Deleting the old XP partition

    I installed 7pro upgrade student edition on partition E and had XP on partition C. When 7 was configured and running properly, I made E the active partition, deleted C and ran startup repair from the restore disk three times... at the end, the computer booted into 7 but I was given a small text...
  2. E

    Windows 7 Windows 7 installation problem - Q6600

    Hi, I am trying to install Windows 7 RTM from MSDN subscription on my new PC, it is Intel Q6600 2 GB RAM 200 GB SATA HD (2x100GB partitions) Windows XP has been running like a champ on the partition 0 for a long time, but when I try and install Windows 7 on patrition 1 (dualboot from same...
  3. Windows 7 Installing W7 on XP/Linux dual boot system?

    I've already saved everything I need (mainly e-mails) to my USB drive. My primary drive is partitioned with XP and Linux Ubuntu in a dual boot. When I do a "custom" Windows 7 install will it only wipe the XP partition or will it wipe the entire hard drive and set it to one partition? I'd prefer...
  4. T

    Windows 7 Windows 7 doesn't boot after deleting XP partition

    Hello, I run Windows 7 for at least 4 weeks and I never had problems with it, so I decided to remove the now unneeded XP Partition. My Problem is that after this Windows 7 refused to boot. I suppose that either the Windows Bootmanager was on the XP Partition I removed. My Partition Table...
  5. I

    Windows 7 Status 0xc0000225 on boot into Windows 7

    Hello, I recently used GParted to shrink my XP and Win7 partitions so that I could create a third partition. Since I had some extra space inbetween the shrunk partitions, I moved the Win7 partition as close as I could to the XP partition. I basically moved my partition over a little bit...
  6. Windows 7 Windows 7 Beta Updates

    I have installed windows 7 on my pc and the wireless network card and wired network portion of my motherboard do not work with any drivers currently available. When i was installing win7 off my XP partition i noticed it download updates off the web. My question, is there any way to download...
  7. S

    Windows 7 Windows 7 is not detecting my other partitions on same hard drive

    Hi, I installed Windows 7 64-bit on my computer which has only 1 hard drive (640GB). I partitioned it using XP to have 4 partitions: 1) XP Partition 2) Linux Partition 3) Linux Swap 4) Windows 7. The problem is Windows 7 cannot detect any partition besides it's own partition, so I...
  8. F

    Windows 7 Desktop Window Manager Crash

    Hi, Whenever I am running windows 7 I keep getting a message that desktop window manager has stoppeed working. Before this the screen will flash on and off and aero will be disabled and then come back again. This happens at completely random times. Sometimes it happens twice in a minute or...