Windows 7 7077 due today/tonight


Extraordinary Member
Nov 11, 2008
Surprised Jimbo didn't beat me to it.

According to SoLoR, who is pretty accurate usually, and, the woman who leaked the 7068 build now has her hands on 7077 in both flavors, and is planning on leaking them tonight. Apparently right now she is just deciding on which version to release first.

Guess it's going to be an F5 kind of day.
Yeah, you can do a clean install of the RC...although, if you go over the the Engineering 7 blog, they give a workaround so that you can upgrade as well. I would assume the workaround would work, since it was posted by Steven Sinofsky.
Somebody took the original torrent from the russian site and uploaded it to the Nautical site, before anyone had a full copy of the ISO. The original seeder got upset because it was supposed to only be on the russian site, until at least 10 or so people had a full copy. Her internet connection started getting hammered, so she stopped seeding...and no one has a complete copy, apparently, except her.

In other words, unless she starts seeding again, this torrent is going to die with everyone at 89.7%.
OK, here's the deal on the 7077/7105 thing, from what I've heard...they are the same build, but from different branches. One is from the winmain branch, and the other is from the win7rc (or whatever it's called) branch. 7077 was compiled after 7105...but 7105 could be knocked down to a 7100 build number if it is designated the Release Candidate.

However, I may be completely wrong, and Kyle usually (well, always) knows more than I do when it comes to this.

BTW, the original nautical torrent is real, has been installed, and has more than 2000 people willing to testify to that.
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If they were the same thing, they'd both be called \"7077\".
They don't just up the build numbers for no reason.
that is not true my furry friend......"There’s been a lot of confusion with the build numbers, so to clarify, Windows 7 Build 7077 is the same as Build 7105 and you will see that both these builds were compiled on the same day. Build 7077 comes from the RC escrow branch and will be renamed Build 7100 if no showstopper bugs are found. Windows 7 Build 7105 is the first build of the RTM branch. In other words, Build 7105 is branched off from Build 7077. Here’s a quote from ArsTechnica for further information about the build numbers:"
The build string for the latest build we know about is “7077.0.090404-1255,â€Â￾ which indicates that it was compiled less than a week ago: April 4, 2009, at 12:55pm. Some of you will realize that this is 20 minutes after the supposed build 7105 was compiled, which is widely rumored to be a milestone build. Microsoft only increments the second digit of the build number if an important point in development has been reached
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also i just want to say that i called it two months 7077 is the rc escrow.... the offical release will be 7100!!!!!!
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type winver in start search when does it expire???

what did the winver say the expire date was i could not read it.... the rc is set to expire in june 2010....
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Just remember, expiry dates mean NOTHING in the grand scheme of things... So I wouldn't get too worked up about a 2010 expiry date....
Just installed 32 bit. Took about 1.5 hrs. I upgraded from 7068x86. Here are some shots:
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Also, right before my desktop loaded I got this error message:

unregmp2.exe - No Disk
There is no disk in the drive. Please insert disk into drive

After hitting continue 8 or 9 times it went away, not sure what it all meant?

Well, everything is running just fine, I've not noticed any changes as of yet. I did noticed that when booting up there is an option to boot to Windows 7 or Windows 7 Rollback. It's only visible for a second before it goes away. I'll edit this post as I notice changes. If you want screenshots of anything specific let me know!
i think we might see a early (before May) release for the offical/public RC....if 7077 is the escrow.. then i think maybe 2 weeks max and they will drop the RC. The same thing happened to the was leaked about a week before it became public. just a thought. either way I am gonna timernuke this build 7048 x64 and see if I can keep it running smoothly (no updates, i know). until well after the retail is out. just thought i would fyi that. by the way I am doing it just for fun on a spare rig. so no need to tell how much of a waste it is to do so. just a test for my curiosity

on the probaly should not have upgraded. i know, i would have tried it to. but that could the reason for the error.
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Happy Hols
Just got home after the usual B/S at airports.


I'm glad to hear your up and running but I have to ask; Why the hell did you do an upgrade rather than a clean install? It's just not a good way to install an OS in my opinion, ESPECIALLY when dealing with a BETA OS... Not to mention if you had done a clean install instead, the total install time would have been more like 20-25 minutes and you would have most likely had NO errors at all... I donno, I guess it's just one of those things I'll never understand...

I'm not saying your method is wrong.. because it's not, I'm just saying I don't get it... I've heard all the excuses.. "I don't want to reinstall all my apps", "I don't want to lose all my files", etc.. but it still just doesn't make much sense to me... To each his own I guess..

2 reasons:

1. I like to experience things for myself. Live and learn. I'm not having any problems whatsoever.
2. When the official RC comes out in a few weeks out I'm planning on doing a clean install so it didn't matter to me.

I have tested all of the leaked builds and have done both upgrades and clean installs and never ran into any issues when upgrading. So in my experience upgrading works just fine. Actually, when doing a clean install with the 7057 build I had a lot more bugs than when I upgraded from the 7022. Thanks for your concern....
How "complete" is the RC going to be? I know it's just a beta, but would it really be terrible to just upgrade vista to 7 using the RC?