Windows Vista a problem with this webpage caused Internet Explorer to Close and reopen the tab

I am. Have you had any luck figuring it out? I am looking for the solution to this problem myself.
Is IE8 a dog??

I have been having this problem ever since downloading IE8. A deep scan by Reimage detected trouble with IE and crypt.32, but repeated scans with Spybot, Avira, Malwarebytes and AWC found nothing. My Dell is slow as a wet weekend, I've cleaned it thoroughly, but no joy. Looks like a clean reinstall of XP is in my future. Any advice anyone??
My solution has been: use FireFox and Chrome.

FireFox is my main browser, loaded with flashblock, popup blockers, and other add-ins. I use Chrome for stuff that doesn't work right in FireFox because of all the add-ins.

Life goes on.