
New Member
Apr 15, 2015
Greetings Microsoft, Since Windows largely dominates the OS most gamers, even regular Windows users own, I highly recommend the size of the OS you will be creating to be much smaller, I started gaming on Windows 98SE and it took up about 2GB of storage space, my performance with my games was unprecedented, I had very little mouse input lag, my reaction speed in FPS Games was the fastest it ever was but switching to Windows XP, I noticed my reaction speed was quite slower; fully updated with SP3 in XP, I vaguely remember the size being around 17GB of space, I had to slip stream Windows XP just to cut it down to around 8GB and find other ways to delete files, turn off system restore, trim the page file, disable the recycling bin.

I basically had one FPS game on my hard drive and nothing else on it, otherwise I'd notice a slower reaction speed, not to mention now that I have an Samsung 840 Pro ssd, the speed of the drive will slow down after 25% capacity, much slower at 50% and even worse at 75% from the benchmarks I've seen online.

I'm quite surprised noone has shrunk the size of it yet, I'm using WIndows 7 now and I have it to about 17GB fully updated, a friend was sitting at 29GB, a rediculous size for an OS. I think you should make a OS for gamers that is trimmed down to atleast 5GB. Preferably less if possible, Ubuntu's recommended disk size is 5GB. It would be even better if we could fix the problem from the root where adding more data doesn't make a drive perform slower. Even using two hard drives makes my mouse stiffer as a twitch shooter using Sata3.

Perhaps that's more hardware related. Would it be possible to add an update that would give users the ability to trim their OS down more? As well as adjusting the pagefile? There's no reason my page file should be 16GB in size just because I have 16GB of ram, I would prefer to let WIndows handle it but I have to trim it down, I did notice WIndows 8 changed that but for all the Windows 7 users, it'd be nice to have an update for that if it is possible.

Also when updating Windows 7, there's over two hours of downloads and installations after a reformat with 20Mbps download speed, and can you make the update information more descriptive so we can decide if we want or need it?



Hi G400 User,

Not sure why exactly you posted this request here on this Forum We do have folks here who are or were Microsoft employees, but unless the Forum Admin, Mike, tells us differently, this is NOT the most direct channel for a request to Microsoft. At best, it will be an indirect Forward into the GIANT Microsoft suggestion box; but not sending it to them directly, is like asking President Obama to make changes in our Income Taxes, but not sending the letter to the White House or to his E-mail address, but sending it to your local Newspaper editor.

You'd get a much better response if you just copy and pasted your request to microsoft.com, they have a Contact Us page, and that's where suggestions such...
Hi G400 User,

Not sure why exactly you posted this request here on this Forum We do have folks here who are or were Microsoft employees, but unless the Forum Admin, Mike, tells us differently, this is NOT the most direct channel for a request to Microsoft. At best, it will be an indirect Forward into the GIANT Microsoft suggestion box; but not sending it to them directly, is like asking President Obama to make changes in our Income Taxes, but not sending the letter to the White House or to his E-mail address, but sending it to your local Newspaper editor.

You'd get a much better response if you just copy and pasted your request to microsoft.com, they have a Contact Us page, and that's where suggestions such as yours go directly into the software Development teams for consideration.

Food for thought,
